Special Topics in Foundations
This book contains papers presented at a session related to various theoretical and experimental developments on foundation analysis, design and construction. The papers were written by...

Measured Performance of Shallow Foundations
The seven papers included in this book document the field performance of shallow foundations. Five of these papers present foundation settlements caused by the compression of the subsoil,...

Arctic Coastal Processes and Slope Protection Design
Cold regions present special challenges for civil engineers. The papers in this book address arctic coastal processes and slope protection design. The first part of the book focuses on...

Geosynthetics for Soil Improvement
Geosynthetics have had a tremendous impact on various aspects of soil improvement. In a number of situations which previously had not been technically or economically feasible, geosynthetics...

Soil Properties Evaluation from Centrifugal Models and Field Performance
The performance of geotechnical projects is dependent upon the appropriateness of the design theory to the boundary conditions, and the characterization of the soil properties used in...

The Changing Federal/State Relationship in Water Resources: An SCS Perspective
Since 1935, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) has worked directly with state and local agencies, and individual landowners, to conserve and develop the Nation's soil and...

Institutional Approaches to Ground Water Management
The nature of ground water has made the management of it difficult. Lack of understanding regarding the interrelationship of ground and surface waters has sometimes resulted in unworkable...

Simulation of Contaminant Transport Using NMOL Technique
In this paper, a new numerical method, called Numerical Method of Lines (NMOL), is used to solve initial-boundary value problems for solute transport in soils. The simulation results are...

Effects of Oil Spills on Water Retention in Sandy Soils
This paper concerns the relationships between water and oil saturations in sandy soils. Special attention is given to an environment similar to the groundwater table and the capillary...

Trickle Irrigation of Peppers in Eastern Canada
A field study was conducted in Southern Quebec to determine the response of bell pepper plants to four irrigation treatments combined with three nitrogen fertilizer rates. The amount of...

Alfalfa Yield Response to Shallow Groundwater
Operating Criteria for the Newland Project assume that crops grown on bottomlands will use some shallow groundwater as partial fullfillment of evapotranspiration demand. Three years of...

Simulation of Post-irrigation Moisture Changes for Surface Irrigation of Corn
An attempt has been made to refine prediction of irrigation efficiency obtained at the end of an irrigation by accounting for the losses that occur during redistribution. The water budget...

Methods in Determining Crop Water Usage
A study was conducted to evaluate different methods of measuring soil moisture and crop water usage in Southwest Kansas. Soil moisture readings taken by the neutron gauge were verified...

Leaching of Nitrate from Freely Drained?Irrigated Fields Treated with Municipal Sludges
A municipal sludge land application experiment was initiated in 1975 near Riverside, California. From 1975 to 1983 sludges from the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area were applied on experimental...

Water and Nitrogen Management Practices in the Central Platte Valley of Nebraska
Contamination of groundwater by nitrogen leached from fertilizer on irrigated soils is related to the quantity of nitrate present, the leaching potential based on soil texture and percent...

Measurement Systems in the Hapex-Mobilhy Regional Evapotranspiration Experiment
The HAPEX-MOBILHY (Hydrologic-Atmospheric Pilot Experiment - Modelisation du Bilan Hydrique) regional evapotranspiration experiment was conducted in the south-west of France during the...

Methods for Determining Actual Evapotranspiration in Plots
The major methods used at INRA since 1965 for determining actual evapotranspiration (AET) in plots are reviewed in this paper. These procedures involve either direct determination (weighing...

What is an Expert System?
Expert systems are probably the predominant area of artificial intelligence (AI) since the technology has a wide degree of application today. Expert systems function primarily on the concept...

Atrazine in Subsurface Drain Water in Southern Louisiana
Atrazine was applied preemergent to corn on subsurface drained and undrained plots. Atrazine soil concentration and concentration and loss in drain water were determined for 243 days after...

Pesticide and Nitrate Movement Under Conservation and Conventional Tilled Plots
Carbofuran, alachlor, atrazine, nitrate and bromide (a tracer) were applied to plots with conventional and conservation tillage. During the early part of the growing season the conservation...





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