The Swedish Dioxin Moratorium
Municipal waste constitutes an energy resource but also an environmental problem. In Sweden emissions of dioxines from waste-to-energy plants have triggered a major debate on environmental...

The National Incinerator Testing & Evaluation Program
Environment Canada, under the National Incinerator Testing & Evaluation Program (NITEP), is addressing emissions from municipal energy-from-waste combustion systems. The main thrust...

The Dioxin Situation in West Germany
The public discussion in Germany of the 'dioxin problem' has recently become more rational than it was three years ago. Emotions and hard facts are in a balance...

Wastewater Technology Innovation for the Year 2000
The present state of wastewater technology research is on a decline because of shrinking funds. A national effort by professionals in all sectors of the wastewater establishment is encouraged...

An Investigation of the Alcatraz Disposal Site
The Alcatraz dredged material disposal site in San Francisco Bay is a dispersive site that is not intended to accumulate disposed sediment. However, the recent discovery of shoaling at...

Dispersal of Dredged Material Disposal Plumes
An empirical model describes dispersal of dredged material disposal plumes in an urban estuary, Central Long Island Sound, during spring of 1983. The model uses in situ current meter data...

Nuclide Migration from Areal Sources Into a Fracture
The authors show analytic solutions to the problem of hydrogeologic transport of radionuclides released from finite areal sources into a planar fracture. The authors illustrate the solutions...

A Large-Scale Groundwater Transport and Dispersion Test: The First 1000 Days
TVA is conducting a large-scale field experiment to quantify the groundwater transport and dispersion of leachates from solid disposal facilities. This project is an integral part of the...

Contaminant Transport from an Array of Sources
The authors show analytic solutions to the problem of contaminant dispersion from an array of point sources in a waste disposal site. These solutions are for waste sources in a fluid-saturated...

The Lubbock, Texas, Land Treatment System
The land treatment system at Lubbock, Texas provides an excellent model for studying the response of a system to growth. It also provides insights and justification for current criteria...

Utilization of Geographic Information Systems Technology in the Assessment of Regional Ground-Water Quality
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs and several State agencies in Oregon has prepared a digital...

Selenium Removal?Can We Afford It?
The process of biologically removing the element selenium from agricultural drainage water is discussed and an economic evaluation of the process is presented. If by-products can be recovered,...

Agricultural Drainage Water?How Should It be Regulated?
This paper discusses the existing framework of California liquid waste disposal law, the obstacles presented by these and other laws pertaining to agricultural drainage water disposal...

An Overview of Factors Affecting Land Application of Food Processing Wastes
The food processing industry can use slow rate, rapid infiltration or overland flow systems. Slow rate systems are the most common method used for land application. The limiting design...

Management Challenges Affecting Agricultural Reuse of High-Strength Food Processing Wastewaters
Land treatment of high-strength food processing wastewaters is a viable pollution control technology. Due to the high-strength characteristics of these wastewaters, effective site management...

Garbage: Cogeneration's Third Dimension
Burning garbage or refuse derived fuels (RDF) is becoming more common in cogeneration plants being constructed in the U.S. The three-for-one concept turns one fuel into two products (steam...

Nuclear Waste Disposal: Where Are We?
The U.S. Department of Energy is conducting preliminary site characterizations for three candidates for nuclear waste disposal. The sites are in three different geologic sites. A Richland,...

Stochastic Stream Flow Analysis for Hydrograph Controlled Waste Release
A risk based procedure for the design of hydrograph controlled release sewage lagoons is derived. The procedure is based on a stochastic analysis of streamflow events above a given threshold...

Detention Basin Design Using Continuous Simulation
A continuous simulation model is proposed for use in the design of detention basins. The model accepts standard National Weather Service hourly rainfall data as input. The hourly rainfall...

The Storage Matching Technique of Detention Basin Design
In recent years, use of continuous rainfall - runoff simulation with historic rainfall data has become much more popular for the design of detention basins and reservoirs. While it may...





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