Advanced Technology for a Lunar Astronomical Observatory
Significant new technologies are required for three proposed telescopes to be operated on the Moon. These technologies are in the areas of contamination/interference control, test and...

Nature's Solutions to Space Insulation
Humans working or living in the harsh environment in space must be protected from temperature extremes. Any effective insulating system must be able to withstand a wide range of temperatures....

Environmental Health Programs of the USEPA
The major programs of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed to reduce risk to public health are summarized with emphasis on their content, funding and effectiveness in...

Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers
ASCE Manual 52, Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers, serves as a basis for the design of both guyed and self-supporting steel transmission...

Reusing Water
The disaster wreaked by what experts are calling the worst drought to hit the U.S. in 50 years has underscored what forward thinkers have been saying: conservation, including water reuse,...

New Found Youth for an Old Foundry
The Grey Iron plant, central foundry division of General Motors Corp., in Saginaw, Mich. conducted a study to evaluate the capacity and tooling of future casting operations of the more...

A Wastewater Treatment Process
This manual summarizes current aeration practices in wastewater treatment, and includes both theoretical and practical guideline for the design and operation of such unit processes. The...

Habitat and Water Quality Considerations in Receiving Waters
Temporal issues of importance include timing, magnitude, and return frequency of flow conditions as well as duration of exposure (concentration) and return frequency of specific exposure...

State Perspectives on Water Quality Criteria
The Federal Clean Water Act framework for water quality regulation is reviewed. The role of water quality standards in the regulation of stormwater discharges and the protection of beneficial...

Technological, Hydrological and BMP Basis for Water Quality Criteria and Goals
Water quality criteria and goals may be addressed through at least four means: institution of 1) technology-based controls, 2) best management practice (BMP) based controls, 3) water quality...

Cost-Effectiveness and Urban Storm-Water Quality Criteria
This paper reviews alternative methods of evaluating the effectiveness of investments in urban stormwater quality improvement. Experience in the related area of control of dry-weather...

Federal Requirements for Storm Water Management Programs
The Water Quality Act has provided the Environmental Protection Agency with the framework for developing a comprehensive storm water management program. The initial phases of the program...

A View from the Middle ? Water Quality Act of 1987: Problems and Possibilites for the Design Professional
Stormwater management has traditionally been viewed as a water quantity concern. The Clean Water Act requirement for future permitting of stormwater discharges will dramatically alter...

A View from the Bottom: Challenges and Prospects
This presentation addresses the Water Quality Act of 1987 (WQA) as it pertains to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for municipal separate storm sewers. Regulations...

Long Term Performance of Water Quality Ponds
A report developed under EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) describes an analysis methodology and presents graphs and example computations to guide planning level...

Water-Quality Ponds ? Are They the Answer?
Water-quality 'wet' ponds have been proposed to treat storm water for the removal of phosphorous in streams tributary to Cherry Creek Reservoir, a major recreational...

Load-Detention Efficiencies in a Dry-Pond Basin
Inflow and outflow to a dry-pond detention basin in Topeka, Kansas, were monitored for 19 storms during a 14-month period. Samples of runoff were collected automatically at two inflow...

Simulated Water-Quality Changes in Detention Basins
A study has begun to simulate movement of stormflow through detention basins at four locations in the Irondequoit Creek watershed and determine the effect on peak flow and water quality....

Water Quality Study on Urban Wet Detention
This paper summarizes results of a monitoring program conducted on three urban wet detention ponds located within the Piedmont region of North Carolina, in the city of Charlotte. Data...

Institutional Aspects of Stormwater Quality Planning
Planning and implementation of programs to control the quality of stormwater runoff in urban areas are carried out within institutional frameworks that directly influence the effectiveness...





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