Dunes Management Plan: Long Beach Peninsula, Washington
The dunes management plan, completed in June 1989, addresses public education; land use jurisdiction and enforcement; funding; economic and environmental resource values; land development...

Needs for Management and Conservation of the Southern Gulf of Mexico
The shorelines of the southern of Mexico are a mixture of varied and diverse habitats. Nearly 2,600 km of shoreline and half of the area of the Gulf of Mexico belongs to the Mexican Economic...

Shoreline Processes and Beach Changes on the Lagoon Shoreline at Fire Island National Seashore, NY, USA
Shoreline processes and beach changes on the lagoon shoreline at Fire Island national seashore, NY, USA are discussed in this paper....

Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Shoreline Stabilization on Puget Sound
Although shore protection structures such as bulkheads and seawalls may provide protection to upland property owners, they bring with them numerous potential adverse environmental effects....

Restoring the Beach Profile with Vegetation
Owing to the fast moving urban expansion of the city of Rio de Janeiro toward one of its most preserved coastal areas, Barra da Tijuca district, it was necessary to implement some substructure...

Protecting Special Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean: Implementing the 1990 Kingston Protocol
This paper outlines the development of the Kingston Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife to the 1983 Cartagena Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine...

Coastal Protection Effects at Buenos Aires, Argentina
A rapid population growing and a lack of a control planing of natural coastal resources increased damage assessments. Several buildings have been carried out to obtain a shoreline stabilization...

Shoreline Environmental History: Making it Visible with Public Art and Historic Interpreation?An Olympia, Washington Case Study
This paper briefly describes the efforts under-way to understand and celebrate Olympia, Washington's shoreline environmental history by tracking its influence on water quality, marine...

The Wetted Bound: The Missing Link between Surveying and Planning?
Aerial photographs of the coastline are useful tools for investigating historic shoreline changes, especially in locations where such photographs are available back to the late 1920's....

Environmental Education Program
This work originated from a proposal by the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). Oceanography Department, and Human Sciences and Social Integration Department of Colegio de Aplicacao-UERJ...

ECOR, an International Organization Active in the Coastal Zone
The Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources is an international organization that fosters and facilitates cooperation in the field of ocean engineering. The purpose of ECOR is: (a)...

Textural Features of Sediments and TEmporal Evolution of the Littoral Between Capo Passero and Capo Scalambri (South East Sicily): An Attempt at Automatic Zoning
The southern coast of Sicily extends for about 230 km and is characterized by five physiographic units, the first of which, from Capo Passero to Capo Scalambri, is made up of a roughly...

Historical Shoreline Analysis of the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Historical shoreline positions of the Mississippi mainland coast and the barrier islands were digitized for four periods of time. USGS T-sheets provided control for the 1850's, 1917, and...

Project Performance: Ocean City, Maryland Beach Nourishment
Detailed monitoring of the performance of a two-phase beach nourishment project has provided valuable information on beach fill behavior and long-term response of a beach fill to prevailing...

Performance of Beach Nourishment at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Between May and August, 1990, approximately 2.34 million cubic yards of sand were placed along 35,000 feet of the Atlantic shoreline of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The project...

Beach Fill Performance at the Lido Beach, Florida, Groin
Lido Beach on the Gulf of Mexico in Sarasota, Florida traditionally has been used as a placement area for sand dredged from the adjacent New Pass federal navigation project. At the end...

Relationship Between Wave Climate and Performance of a Recently Nourished Beach, Indian Rocks Beach, Pinellas County, Florida
A large beach nourishment project was completed at Indian Rocks Beach on the central Gulf coast of Florida in December of 1990. The performance of the project has been monitored monthly...

Monitoring the Evolution of a Beach Nourishment Project
Despite the increasing popularity of beach nourishment in response to coastal erosion, few projects have been monitored sufficiently to allow quantification of the sediment transport mechanisms...

Beach Enhancement Through Nourishment and Compartmentalization: The Recent History of Santa Monica Bay
During the past half-century, the beaches in the central and southern portions of Santa Monica Bay have been significantly enhanced by a combination of artificial nourishment and structural...

Predictability of Beach Nourishment Performance
Beach nourishment projects represent planform anomalies and are generally placed steeper than the natural profile. These disequilibrium conditions induce cross-shore and longshore sediment...





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