Colorado River Microcomputer Model
This paper describes a computer model which simulates the monthly water and power operations of the twelve reservoirs in the Colorado River Basin for a given demand projection in the future....

Use of Probabilistic Constraints in Reservoir Operation Policies With Sampling Stochastic Dynamic Programming
The role of mathematical simulation and optimization models in hydropower planning at Pacific Gas and Electric Company is discussed, and some of the models are described. Applications...

Application of Principal-Component Analysis to Long-Term Reservoir Management
Determining the optimal long-term operating policy of a multireservoir power system requires solution of a stochastic nonlinear programming problem. The paper presents a very efficient...

Risk Management of the Ottawa River System
The Ottawa River System is a large-scale and complex system comprising 30 major reservoirs and 43 generating stations and has a long history of flooding that extends throughout the basin....

Computerized Decision-Guidance System for Management of the Trent River Multireservoir System
A computer simulation model has been implemented for a complex multireservoir system, composed of 44 reservoirs and 52 channels. The model is designed in modular form to forecast inflows,...

Heuristics and Network Flow Algorithms for Multireservoir System Regulation
A generalized model employing a network flow algorithm and a heuristic database is being tested on the Qu'Appelle River basin in Canada. The heuristic database consisting...

Development of a Large Network Model to Evaluate the Yield of a Proposed Reservoir
The model simulates the operation of the Colorado River system upstream of Grand Junction, Colorado, and both the West Slope and the East Slope components of Colorado-Big Thompson system....

Experience With a Water Distribution System Model
The City of Santa Cruz has a water distribution system covering approximately 30 square miles (78 km2) and serving 75,000 people. The population...

Input Processor Package for Water System Studies
An input processor package for a water distribution simulation model has been developed and field tested. This preprocessor enables users with little or no computer use experience to directly...

Simulation Model for Economic Irrigation Project Planning and Design
The principle design parameters considered are: water supply configurations (quantity, source and storage); shapes and sizes of the area to be served; on-farm irrigation techniques; cropping...

The Los Vaqueros Model: A Microcomputer-Based Reservoir Planning System
This paper describes the development and application of a set of microcomputer models for the evaluation of a complex water resources project. The Los Vaqueros Model includes components...

The State of Art of Physical Modelling of Sediment Transport
The paper attempts formula some ideas about the state of the art in the field of physical modelling of sediment transport processes. Up to now the physics of sediment transport are not...

New Developments in Modeling 3-D Sedimentation Phenomena
This paper is intended to summarize the new findings accomplished recently in an effort to develop highly stable and efficient numerical models to correctly and accurately simulate three-dimensional...

Advances in Computational Mobile-Bed Hydraulics
A new conceptual approach to one-dimensional mobile-bed simulation is briefly described, along with two demonstrative examples. The approach is based on fully coupled solution of the unsteady...

The Formation of Meandering and Braided Channels
Flow in alluvial channels implies flow past boundaries that form and deform under the action of the flow. Interaction between the flow and the mobile boundaries produces channel patterns...

Potential Flow Over a Wavy Bed: A Persistent Error
The standard small-amplitude theory of potential flow over a wavy bed is briefly discussed, together with the three special values of the Froude Number which define four different flow...

A Tracer-Model for Morphological Simulations of an Estuary
Numerical models for longterm morphological simulations are traditionally based on assumptions like vertical integration of the flow and transport equations and their decoupled treatment....

Application of 2-D Model to Reduce Sedimentation Problems
The Corps of Engineers opened Lock and Dam No. 1 on the Red River Waterway in 1984. During the first runoff season, excessive quantities of fine sediment deposited in both the upstream...

Modeling of Contaminant Transport in Rivers with Emphasis on the Interaction with Movable Boundaries
The transport of dissolved and absorbed pollutants is simulated by a one-dimensional convection-diffusion model which particularly accounts for the exchange processes at the river bed...

Friction Slope Computation for Mathematical Models
The behavior of the energy flow gradient as function of depth and velocity is analyzed for three flow resistance methods. In the paper, the necessary modifications introduced to the methods...





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