The Just-in-Case Factor
Computer analysis allows bridge designers to take a more precise look at the old structural principle of redundancy. No one can define redundancy, but everybody knows what it means. Two...

Paving with RCC
Roller compacted concrete pavement differs from the RCC used for dams. Since 1984, when the first full scale RCC pavement in the U.S. was installed by the Corps of Engineers at Ft. Hood,...

Concrete Strength Record Jumps 36%
A Seattle building now going up has 19,000 psi concrete, the strongest ever in conventional structures. It costs three times as much as conventional concrete, so will not be widely used....

Exhibits Under Fiberglass
The San Diego Convention Center, scheduled for completion in 1988, is located on 11 acres of downtown land only 150 ft from the bay. It will cost $130 million for total of 1.7 million...

Taipei Trade
The appearance of this building is remarkable�so were the cost savings. A design change form rigid shear walls to a ductile frame helped keep construction of Taipei's World...

Instant Jails
Prison planners are responding to the explosion in the prison population by stepping up construction of new jails. Because of the pressures imposed by court ordered deadlines, engineers,...

Pipe-lining a Pipeline
This core prestressed concrete cylinder pipe is now lining the inside of a major water supply tunnel in Alaska. Occasionally found in rock tunnels, or buried pipelines, large diameter,...

Milwaukee's Deep Tunnels�No Clone
Tunnel boring machines are excavating nearly 19 miles of tunnels 17-32 ft in diameter as part of Milwaukee's $1.9 billion upgrade of its sanitary sewage system. Laid out to...

Mini Hydro at the Hackett Mills Project
The project includes rehabilitation of a timber crib dam and the first use of a Right Angle Drive turbine in the United States to generate power from the 16 feet of head available at the...

Construction of Yellowtail Dam & Power Plant 63-65
The Yellowtail Unit of the Missouri River Basin project is located on the Bighorn River in south central Montana. The key feature of the unit is Yellowtail Dam which rises 525 ft. between...

Roller Compacted Concrete and Tunnel Boring Machines?Two Tools for Designers and Planners
Two tools that have come into use fairly recently are roller compacted concrete and tunnel boring machines. These new tools can significantly affect the ability to make new projects cost...

The Sand Bar Hydroelectric Project: A Case History
The Sand Bar project's major features include a reinforced concrete intake structure; 3. 5 miles of twelve foot diameter hard rock tunnel; a reinforced concrete powerhouse...

Power Development at Buffalo Bill Dam
Buffalo Bill Dam is on the Shoshone River in northwestern Wyoming near the city of Cody. The dam is a 325-foot-high concrete arch facility with a crest length of 200 feet. The dam was...

Hoover Dam Planning, Financing and Repayment
After the original conception of the 'Boulder Canyon Project,' and in the first stage of the work, complete designs and specifications were prepared for the dam,...

Hoover Dam Plus Fifty Years Equals El Cajon Dam
The completion of El Cajon arch dam on the fiftieth anniversary of the completion of Hoover Dam has given the opportunity to compare design and construction of two concrete arch dams constructed...

Changing Stability Criteria: Effect on Older Dams
Many of the dams on the Georgia Power Company system were designed and constructed in the early 1900's. Changes that have occurred in stability criteria since construction...

Rehabilitation of Victoria Dam
Rehabilitation of a 54-year old thin concrete arch-buttress dam was completed without interruption of power generation using pressure injection of an epoxy adhesive. This paper presents...

Innovations in Prestressed Concrete Structures
Prestressed concrete poles are probably the best choice for most transmission line structures. They have many advantages over structures made from other materials for both engineering...

Survey of Airport Pavement Distress in Cold Regions
The most common pavement problems were associated with non-traffic related phenomena and included pre-existing cracks reflecting through asphalt concrete overlay (in two years or less),...

Finite Element Modelling of Cold Regions Concreting
Finite element heat transfer computer programs are discussed in regard to their use in modelling cold weather concreting. The concrete material properties required for input to the finite...





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