A Bivariate Stochastic Reservoir Model
A bivariate distribution of peak flows and volumes is derived taking into account their correlation structure. This distribution is then used to derive reservoir operation curves which...

Stochastic Optimization for Long Term Operation of Multiple Reservoirs: A New Approach
The study emphasis of optimal scheduling of reservoir system operations has shifted to stochastic mathematical programming since future reservoir inflows are uncertain and recent advances...

Risk-Cost Analysis Under Uncertainty for Dredged Material Management
Fuzzy Composite Programming is used to conduct a risk-cost trade-off analysis under uncertainty for a simplified dredge material disposal problem. Uncertainties inherent in the components...

Design Program for Gravity Sanitary Sewers
The Gravity Sewer Design Program Version 2.1 M (GSDP2M) performs the hydraulic design for a conventional gravity sanitary sewer network. GSDP2M is written in standard Fortran 77 for batch...

An Expert System for the Planning and Design of Flood Control Channels
The planning and design of flood control channels often calls for the evaluation of a unique set of physical conditions which do not lend themselves to standard designs. Consequently,...

Introduction to Multi Criterion Methods and Selected Software
Water resources and environmental managers face a difficult task of managing water resources systems to meet an increasing array of objectives. Often the various objectives are non-commensurable...

Modeling 70,000 Feet of Interceptor for Aurora, CO
During preliminary design for the City of Aurora's Tollgate Creek Interceptor Sewer Improvements, the authors modeled over 70,000 linear feet of interceptor for both present...

Automated Sensitivity Analysis for FORTRAN Models
For complex computer models used in engineering design and assessment, a cost-efficient procedure for identifying the parameters that are important to a given model prediction is a necessity....

MORE-A Multi-Objective Ranking Environment for Risk Assessment
This paper explores the development of a computerized decision support system for ranking risks due to environmental concerns. The paper begins with a brief history a comparative risk...

Analysis of 1989 Floods in Harris County, Texas
On May 17 and 18, 1989, a severe thunderstorm stalled over Harris County, Texas, producing over fourteen inches of rain in a twenty-one hour period. Slightly more than one month later...

Use of Models in Water Resource Systems: CRSS Experience
The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) is an in-house governmental computer-based model designed to be used as a decision support tool in performing long and mid range planning and...

Model Mania in Urban Hydrology: Present Dilemmas
A recent ASCE Task Committee on microcomputer software in urban hydrology has just completed its inventory of 40 software packages available at modest cost to the urban drainage engineer....

A PC Method to Compile Land Use Data for Hydrology
A computerized method for compiling and reducing land use data for hydrologic computer model simulation was developed. The technique was developed for use on an IBM compatible PC. The...

Reliability of Model Prediction for Pump and Treat Strategies
For the remediation of aqueous phase plumes extending over large areas simulation models are often used to predict the response of the aquifer system and the contaminant concentrations...

Methods for Designing Hydraulic Aquifer Remediation Techniques
This paper reports on recent research to develop methods for accommodating uncertainty in designing hydraulic remediation systems for contaminated aquifers. The methods rely respectively...

Heuristic Optimization of Water Distribution Systems
A design heuristic for the optimization of water distribution systems is presented. Algorithm TREESEARCH finds a near optimal core tree layout. Algorithm REDUNDANCY adds redundant links...

An Alternate Formulation of Time as a Decision Variable to Facilitate Real-Time Operation of Water Supply Systems
With the advent of a new focus on energy conservation and the availability of cost efficient computer technology, many water utilities are investigating new ways to improve the efficiency...

Computer Modeling as a Tool for Selecting Appropriate Air Valves for Pipeline Surge Protection
Waterhammer in water or wastewater pipelines is caused by events such as a pump power failure and can have potentially damaging effects on the pipeline or pipeline hardware. In particular,...

A Comparison of Two Large Scale NLP Strategies for Determining Optimal Pump Station Controls
To solve the general nonlinear problem which is not simplified using the uniform spatial demand patterns, a two-level hierarchial scheme has been identified. The purpose of this decomposition...

Water Supply Network Modeling for Infrastructure Management
The concept of a graphics-based computer package for water supply network modeling and system management is discussed. Network model input and solution data are reported via color graphics...





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