Advanced Software Design and Standards for Traffic Control
Improved traffic traffic management and control systems are widely reported to be cost effective investments [Neudorff 88, Kessmann 85]. However, many hardware and software obstacles have...

Traffic Signals and At-Grade LRT
Light rail systems are making a comeback in American cities. This often generates local concerns about traffic congestion. This paper discusses the application of computer technology to...

Computer Aided Engineering Analysis for Transportation Links ? Management Options
CAD applications on Engineering Analysis have proved very effective in view of its wide applicability & the conceptualization power of interactive computer graphics (ICG). Transportation...

Wegwijs?Amsterdam?A Dual Mode Routeguidance Plan
Wegwijs-Amsterdam stands for a plan to test the feasibility of a dual-mode route-guidance system based on a network of beacons which give the driver route-guidance to reach a pre-selected...

Video Image Processing for Toll Operation Evaluation
Toll motorway companies are very much concerned with toll plaza operation and its appreciation by customers. The problem is two-fold: define a desired level of service (queue lengths,...

Car Wars?The DOTs Strike Back
HNTB is developing integrated computer systems utilizing standard hardware and software platforms coupled with graphical user interfaces for traffic management systems (TMS). Rapid, user-friendly...

Automatic Incident Detection Using Image Processing Techniques: A Specific System Used in INVAID
INRETS together with other partners, within the European DRIVE program framework is working on developing a system able to detect incidents on motorway by processing video images (Jref....

A Distributed Real Time Knowledge-Based System Using Video Image Processing for Junctions Automatic Incident Detection
The scope of the INVAID project (in the European DRIVE program) is to build an automatic incident detection system which incorporate the image processing capabilities. In the urban aspects...

Dynamic Estimation of Freeway Demand Patterns and a Stochastic Programming Approach to Freeway Ramp Metering
Controlling the rate at which vehicles are allowed to enter a freeway from the freeway's on-ramps has become a standard method for reducing the impact of both recurring and...

Effectiveness of Real-Time Information Strategies in Situations of Non-Recurrent Congestion
The effect of real-time information on the performance of a traffic commuting corridor in situations of non-recurrent congestion is studied using a dynamic simulation model. Non-recurrent...

Contact-Free IC Cards for New Railway Ticket Systems
Two types of smart cards which can communicate with an automatic gate machine without contact are developed. The first one uses medium wave radio as communication media. The microprocessor...

Fault-Tolerant Computing Architecture for MF 88 and MP 89 Rolling Stock
For several years now, the French and the foreign railway industries have witnessed the development of a new generation of on-board computer systems for rolling stock. It mainly features...

Experiments with Formal Specifications on MAGGALY
Until lately, safety functions for automatic train driving systems have mostly been implemented with classical techniques such as relays, way circuitry and, more recently, electronic devices....

Measuring Highway Inventory Features Using Stereoscopic Imaging System
The new stereoscopic measurement approach is discussed in this paper. The objective of this paper is not intended to present another new videologging system. Instead, this paper is to...

Subsurface Pavement Structure Inventory Using Ground Penetrating Radar and a Bore Hole Camera
The Pavement Management System (PMS) is now a necessary pavement evaluation tool. The PMS data base has been historically fed with surface inspection data, but increasing demands for accurate...

Flexible Pavement Distress Evaluation Using Image Analysis
A unique combination of image histogram and projection histogram are employed to classify major distress types on flexible pavement. This technique has taken into account the presence...

The Application of a Structural Analysis Program to Floating Dock and Guide Pile Design
The floating dock systems and guide piles used in marinas are often designed using over simplified analysis techniques. However, if the dock system is flexible or if either the soil conditions...

Simplified Tidal-Flushing Model for Small Marinas
This paper describes the development and application of a new water quality screening model - STEAM (Simplified Tidal Embayment Assessment Model). This model simulates the first-order...

Predictive Techniques for Marina Water Quality Assessment
The construction of new marinas in coastal areas requires as assessment of potential impacts on water quality as a part of the permit process. This paper summarizes a study sponsored by...

Aircraft Traffic Mix Analysis: Damage Factors and Coefficients
Historically, traffic mix analyses have been based upon the use of the critical or most damaging aircraft. The damage effects of other aircraft are either ignored or empirically incorporated...





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