From Soft Soils to Heavy Construction
A new construction technique using geotextiles and upward flowing water is bringing heavy construction to soft shores. Two projects�a truck yard in Seagirt, Md., and a containment dike...

Seismic Cutoff
The John Hart Dam, which is a 40-year old dam in British Vancouver, Canada, has been rehabilitated to meet current seismic codes. BC Hydro, the utility that owns the dam, conducted a study...

Systems for Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
Design and management of infiltration systems should be adapted to local conditions of water quality, climate, soil, hydrogeology, and environmental constraints. Aspects to be considered...

Artificial Recharge Research at the University of Arizona
This paper summarizes pit- and well-recharge trials at Tucson, Arizona. The pit recharge trials examined management techniques and characterized flow patterns in the 80 ft thick vadose...

Artificial Recharge of Urban Storm-Water Runoff
The disposition of selected contaminants in the soils, in the percolating water, and in the recharge-mound water of five retention/recharge basins was investigated in Fresno, California....

Ground Water Recharge Through Excavated Basins
Excavated basins were used to bypass slowly permeable soils in the Southern High Plains and artificially recharge the Ogallala aquifer. Recharge rates with turbid playa water were as rapid...

Infiltration Maintenance in Recharge Facilities of Orange County Water District
The Orange County Water District manages the Orange County ground water basin in western Orange County. In the first 25 years of operation, the District made exclusive use of the Santa...

Status and Experiences Made in the Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in the Federal Republic of Germany
With a rate of 72%, ground and spring water is the most important raw material for drinking water supply in the Federal Republic of Germany. Ground water, however, is not available everywhere...

Effects of the 1985 Earthquake in Lazaro Cardenas, Mich.
An account is presented of a geotechnical survey made shortly after the major earthquake of September 19, 1985 (magnitude 8. 1) at the industrial port of Lazaro Cardenas in the state of...

Earthquake Response of La Villita Dam
Due to the recent industrial and housing developments at the port of Lazaro Cardenas, located 13 km (8 miles) downstream of La Villita Dam, at the mouth of the Balsas River, the hazard...

Are the Soil Depositions in Mexico City Unique?
The answer clearly is: YES| However, the amplification and soil-structure interaction effects observed in Mexico City are important considerations - even if they may not be so severe -in...

Soil-Structure Interaction in Mexico City During the 1985 Earthquakes
The effects of the flexibility of the soil and the foundation on the seismic response of structures, by opposition to clear foundation failures, cannot be easily identified from a simple...

Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Framing Systems
On September 19, 1985, Mexico City was hit by what is believed to have been the most damaging earthquake in its recorded history. In this report, a ground motion recorded in the severely...

Emergency Regulations and the New Building Code
The 1942 Federal District Building Code was crude and overoptimistic. The 1957 earthquake prompted the drafting of emergency regulations, modern and more realistic. They evolved into the...

Radon at Home
Radon-222 is a radioactive gas that is present in all homes and found in several million homes in the U.S. at levels that have medical experts concerned about its potential to cause lung...

Burying the Nuclear Past
The Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program involves reclaiming 24 tailings piles. The work is done in terms of Federal Legislation to prtect the environment and people from the...

Uplift Capacity of Model Group Anchors in Sand
Small-scale laboratory experimental results for the ultimate uplift capacity of shallow horizontal circular single and group anchors embedded in sand have been presented. The experimental...

Settlement of Residual Soils
The method previously suggested by the author in 1977 for calculating settlement of non-plastic to slightly plastic Piedmont Physiographic Region residual soils is reviewed. Additional...

Investigation of Excavatability in the Piedmont
The lateral and vertical variability of rock weathering in the Piedmont presents significant problems in evaluating the probable cost of excavation for deep basements, pipeline, road cuts,...

Pressure Injected Footings in Piedmont Profiles
Comparatively little has been published on the behavior of pressure injected footings in the Piedmont residual soils and weathered rocks. It is the purpose of this paper to describe some...





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