Coping with EPA's Transportation Storm Water Permit
EPA has released NPDES storm water monitoring data from group applicants. This paper will analyze the data to determine which pollutants are present in storm water runoff from transportation...

NPDES Storm Water Permit Compliance at Air Force Installations
Recent changes to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program require that storm water discharges associated with industrial activity be regulated under the NPDES...

Combined Stormwater Drainage and Treatment
Due to continuing public concern regarding environmental protection for the nation's waterways, new and more stringent water quality control regulations have been developed. This is most...

Costs and Benefits of Meeting the San Francisco Bay Copper Objective by Regulating Small Treatment Plants
Metals in aquatic environments, even in very small amounts, are of concern because of potential toxicity to aquatic life forms. Copper is of particular concern in the San Francisco Bay...

Development of an Experimental Watershed for Testing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban Runoff
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater regulation program prohibits non-storm water discharges into entering...

Non-Point Pollution Loadings and their Impacts on Tennessee Valley Reservoirs
This is a three-year study which began in March 1992. The project has focused on inflow streams entering storage projects including Douglas, Cherokee, South Holston, Watauga, Norris, Chatuge,...

Non-Point Source Pollution Reduction
The paper reports on the results of a study to determine the effectiveness of the best management practices (BMPs) for use in the Tampa Bay Watershed. The study aims to determine the efficiency,...

Strengths and Weaknesses of Shallow Water Equations in Steep Open Channel Flow
The paper evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of shallow water equations in steep open channel flow. These equations, 1) St. Venant equations, 2) steep slope shallow water equations...

Considerations in 2-D Modeling of Hydraulically Steep Flow
Simplifications in the equations used to describe shallow water flow lead to some difficulties in modeling supercritical flow. The hydrostatic assumption produces two significant differences...

Flow and Chloride Transport in the Tidal Hudson River, NY
A one-dimensional dynamic-flow model and a one-dimensional solute-transport model were used to evaluate the effects of hypothetical public-supply water withdrawals on saltwater intrusion...

Salinity and Dissolved-Oxygen Dynamics in a Wind-Driven Estuary
Water levels, near-surface and near-bottom salinities, and near-surface and near-bottom dissolved-oxygen concentrations were measured continuously in the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina,...

Development of Long-Term Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics in Long Island Sound for Use in Water Quality Modeling
The Blumberg-Mellor (1987) three-dimensional hydrodynamic model has been adapted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Ocean Service (NOS) to provide hydrodynamic...

Modeling Ecological Impacts of Destratification
Artificial destratification has long been advocated as a means of improving water quality in lakes and reservoirs. The results have been varied with examples of both water quality improvement...

Design and Testing of Two Ice-Preserving Winter Lake Aeration Systems
As part of an effort to achieve ice-preserving lake aeration for winterkill prevention, two non-mixing lake aeration systems were designed and field tested. Each creates a fish refuge...

Water Quality Enhancement Technology for River-Reservoir Systems
Water quality enhancement technology is applied to a wide variety of field conditions in surface waters including rivers, lakes and reservoir epiliminia, lake and reservoir hypolimnia,...

Water Policy and Management
Solving the Problems
This proceedings, Water Policy and Management: Solving the Problems, contains papers presented at the 21st Annual Conference of ASCE's...

Model of an Upgrade
As further studies and more extensive computer models help engineers better understand the workings of wastewater treatment plant processes, those engineers are finding more efficient...

Chicago's Waterfalls
The 1994 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award goes to successful implementation of an elegantly simple idea: aerate sluggish water by letting it fall through man-made waterfalls....

Roiled Waters: Water Politics in the 1990s
In the spring of 1994, San Diego got a reprieve from meeting the Clean Water Act's secondary-treatment requirements. For six years city officials had battled the Environmental...

Deicing Denver
Glycol-based deicing fluids are an essential part of winter operations at most airports. While these chemicals help ensure safe and timely aircraft operations, stormwater runoff contaminated...





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