Recycling Portland Cement Concrete Pavement at the Contractor's Option
This paper summarizes three portland cement concrete airfield pavement recycling projects at the Outagamie County Airport in Appleton, Wisconsin. The specifications for the projects did...

Nighttime Cement Concrete Pavement Replacement Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Several airfield improvement projects are currently underway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac), many of which are being constructed using cement concrete pavement. Due...

California Airports: Ground Access Vehicle Trips, Emissions and Emission Reduction Strategies
The following paper discusses the volume of trips and emissions associated with ground access vehicles to an d from California airports, and potential ways to reduce these emissions. this...

Rail-Air: A Multi-Modal Opportunity in a Changing World
The purpose of this Paper is to examine the applicability of rail links to major airports and the benefits they can bring. It will seek to identify the key success factors and the extent...

Cost Considerations in Planning Pier Terminals
The deregulation of the air transport economy is gradually leading to the involvement of private developers in airport terminal financing. Even the airports run by government agencies...

Alameda Creek Water Resources Study
San Francisco Water Department is investigating water management policies for Alameda Creek to enhance both water development and fisheries. Preliminary investigations indicate that an...

The Effect the Central Utah Project Will Have On Water Conservation in Utah
On October 30, 1992, the U.S. Congress passed the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustments Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-575.) This law included the Central Utah Completion Act...

Using Geographical Information Systems to Manage a Multipurpose Water Project
A Project Management System has been developed to manage resources in a Federal Water Project. The management system utilizes geographic information systems (GIS) technology to efficiently...

Integration of Water Resource Models and GIS for Water Resource Management
As increasing demands are placed on water resources because of population growth and the resulting development, finding increasingly effective tools for management of natural resources...

Tailwater Fishery Management Using a Fish Bioenergetics Model
Water releases from TVA reservoirs exert great influence on downstream water quality. Analytical tools to quantify biological response to altered environmental conditions, such as dissolved...

Managing Reservoir Storage for Fish Production
Salmon populations in numerous Pacific Coast rivers are in decline and are in danger of becoming threatened or endangered. A reservoir system simulation model was developed for the Trinity...

Historical, Current and Upcoming Regulation Schedules for Lake Okeechobee
This paper reviews historical information of regulation practices for Lake Okeechobee since the beginning of the century. It also describes and analyzes the multipurpose objectives associated...

Aquifer Storage and Recovery in the Floridan Aquifer System of South Florida
This paper describes the feasibility, construction, testing, and storage zone development of the Boynton Beach Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well, the first successful ASR project...

The San Gorgonio Pass Water Project
To meet the growing water demand of its service area, the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency has planned to import water from the State Water Project and distribute the water to retailers...

Groundwater Management and Systems Operations Optimization Utilizing Supply, Well Reliability, and Demand Distribution as Decision-Making Criteria
Houston, Texas has a water supply system comprised of both ground and surface water sources serving a population of 2.2 million people through 5,000 miles of water lines and 357,000 water...

Water Resources Education and Research at a Model HBCU Water Resources Center
Central State University has the nations only fullfledged degree program in water resources management at the undergraduate level. The program was founded on the assumption that water...

Problems Faced by Faculty in Minority Institutions
The primary objective of this paper is to list some problems faced by faculty engaged in both research and instruction in Minority Institutions (MIs) and to suggest solutions to them....

Elmhurst Quarry Flood Control Project
Conversion of a limestone quarry into an off-line reservoir provides flood protection for a rapidly developing County in the suburbs of Chicago....

The Small Reclamation Projects Loan Program A Development Tool For The 90's
The Small Reclamation Projects Act (SRPA), Public Law 84-984, was passed in 1956 to encourage state and local participation in the development of projects under Federal Reclamation Law...

Dry Weather Stormwater Management - Yakima, WA
The city of Yakima recently completed a Comprehensive Stromwater Management plan to: 1) assess current and projected local runoff quality and 2) develop strategies to improve receiving...





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