Magnetic Fluid Conditioning
Industry is now turning to develop magnetic water treatment in an effort to discontinue the use of chemicals. Magnetic water treatment takes a different approach to solving the same problem...

Noise Control Program for the Boston Harbor Project
A noise control engineering program has been instituted for the Boston Harbor project to make the facility virtually inaudible at the property line. The program integrates the noise mitigation...

The Effects of Hazardous Organic Pollutants on the Performance of Activated Sludge Systems
The effects of phthalate esters (diethyl phthalate and dimethyl phthalate) and phenols (2,4-dinitrophenol, 2,4-dimethylphenol and 4-nitrophenol) on the performance of a laboratory-scale...

Vacuum Anaerobic Treatment: A New Approach
Anaerobic processes have an organic loading limit that when exceeded leads to process failure. The research summarized in this paper demonstrates that both organic removal rate enhancement...

The Greening of Corporate America
Since the decade of the 80's has seen both the most stringent environment regulations as well as the most destructive environmental incidents in our history, most American...

Degradation of Ortochlorophenol in Aerobic and Anoxic-Aerobic Processes
Removal of OCP in sequencing batch reactors was shown to be independent of the presence or lack of co-substrate and independent of SRT for fully aerated reactors. The reactors with an...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1991
The proceedings of the second annual international conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on April 28 - May 3, 1991, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the...

Unit Pricing and Unbalanced Bids
Unit price contracts were meant to provide a simple and equitable way to pay contractors. However, to offset the uncertainties inherent in construction, contractors unbalance bid items....

Setting Standards in San Diego
Most engineering firms have developed specifications and standards that become the bible for project-related design issues�and no two firms are the same. On complex, large-scale projects...

Pumped Storage Promise
With many utilities facing potential shortfalls in generating capacity, pumped storage hydro plants could be a key to meeting peak-period energy demand in the 1990s. Pumped storage plants...

Probabilistic Analysis of Modernization Options
Benefit-cost analysis is a standard procedure for reaching planning decisions. Cost overruns and benefit shortfalls are also common occurrences. One reason for the difficulty of predicting...

Renovation and Uprating of Seven Hydropower Plants in Java
The Indonesian Power Authority is planning to renovate and uprate seven hydropower stations in Java to expand plant life expectancy, ensure operating safety and reliability, and increase...

Evaluating the Dynamic Operating Benefits of Hydro Power Plants
In 1986, the Electric Power Research Institute asked Decision Focus to develop a new planning model to quantify the dynamic operating benefits of power technologies that offer operating...

When FERC Investigates Your Unlicensed Project: A Five-Point Protection Plan
A FERC investigation into a project's jurisdictional status poses the potential for substantial risks and costs. This paper outlines a 'five-point protection...

Dealing with the Difficult Utility
The experience of an independent hydroelectric power developer, STS HydroPower, Ltd. (STS), involved in the full scope of hydroelectric activities is desribed. The purpose of the paper...

Small and Low Head Pumped Storage Projects
With the recent completion of several very large pumped storage projects, the perception of a hydroelectric pumped storage project in some power industry circles may be that of a project...

The PEC Headworks Project?A Cooperative Hydropower Development
The PEC Headworks Project is a single-unit hydroelectric facility located at the headworks of the Potholes East Canal at O'Sullivan Dam on the Potholes reservoir near Moses...

Lake Siskiyou Power Project
The Lake Siskiyou Power Project was constructed at the foot of the existing Box Canyon Dam on the Sacramento River in Northern California. Major project features included the construction...

Geotechnical Aspects of the Underground Excavations at the Kemano Completion Project
The Kemano Completion Project is the addition of four generators of 540 MW installed capacity to an existing eight-unit underground hydroelectric generating station owned and operated...

Evaluating Hydro Project Benefits with the POWRSYM Production Cost Model
The contribution that a hydro peaking project or pumped-storage project makes to reducing system operating costs can be determined only by modeling the project's operation...





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