Application of the Generalized Channel Routing Model
Using the linear full dynamic finite difference model the applicability of diffusion and kinematic wave models is investigated. Two dimensionless numbers are suggested for applicable range...

An Investigation of Continuity Equation and Flood Routing
In this paper, a flood routing scheme, which gives consideration to the advantages of both the Muskingum method and the unit hydrograph method, is derived by using the continuity equation...

Conservation Properties of Flow Simulation Models
The fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and hydraulics posses certain integral properties which should be maintained by their discrete analogs. In this paper the conservation properties...

The Method of Lines Solution of Unsteady Open Channel Flow Equations Along Characteristics
The method of characteristics (MOC) has long been considered as a natural procedure for solving transient flow problems. In this paper, by using the concept of the method of lines, the...

Kinematic Wave Based Hydrologic Models with Different Solution Methods
The hydrologic simulation models RUNOFF and HEC-1 are applied to a 3212-ha watershed in New Jersey, and performances of the two models in predicting historical stromwater hydrographs from...

Integration of GIS, Remote Sensing, and Digital Elevation Data for a Hydrologic Model
The Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model (AGNPS), which was developed by Agricultural Research Service, was used as a test model for assessing nonpoint source pollution. The model...

Paleoflood Hydrology and Design Decision for High-Risk Projects
Paleoflood hydrology is not merely one of several alternative methods for risk-based design. Rather, certain kinds of accurate data on the largest paleofloods of recent millennia provide...

A Regionalized Rainfall-Runoff Stochastic Model
The single area unit hydrograph model is used to develop a distribution model which accommodates the uncertainty in rainfall over the catchment. By categorizing the available rainfall...

Regionalization of Precipitation Droughts in the Scioto River Basin
By the use of monthly precipitation, droughts are defined based on different truncation levels, namely, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 95%, where a 70% truncation level means that 70% of the recorded...

Extraordinary Floods in Arid South Africa
South Africa, a country where 65% of the area receives less than 500 mm of rain annually, has experienced many major floods during the last century. The importance, aim and scope of the...

Comparison of Correction Factor for Dispersion Coefficient Based on Entropy and Logarithmic Velocity Profiles
Recently, new velocity distribution equations have been developed by Chiu (1987, 1989) through the use of maximum entropy principle. A comparison will be made of the correction factor...

On the Problem of Sediment Deposition in Large Reservoirs
Sediment deposition and its accumulation in a large reservoir depends on the inflow and reservoir storage content, respectively. This fact is used to model the cumulative deposition of...

Status and New Capabilities of Computer Program HEC-6: Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs
Last year the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) and the Waterways Experiment Center (WES) incorporated the results from more than ten years of research and development into a new version...

Application of the Ackers-White Procedure for Transport by Size Fractions and Testing in HEC-6
Modification of the Ackers-White method for the calculation of sediment transport by size fractions has led to a procedure which not only permits such calculations, but also increases...

Numerical Modeling of a Trench Fill and Scour
The sediment fill and scour in a dredged trench was numerically simulated by the nodal-collocation finite element method and an explicit scheme. The one-dimensional unsteady sediment-laden...

Computational Open-Channel Hydraulics for Movable-Bed Problems
As a major branch of computational hydraulics, notable advances have been made in numerical modeling of unsteady open-channel flow since the beginning of the computer age. According to...

Municipal Stormwater Management Ordinance Development and Implementation in Pennsylvania
This paper discusses the critical planning and engineering components of a sound stormwater management ordinance and how they can be shaped to avoid commonly encountered basin-wide implementation...

Urban Stormwater Management Practices: Concepts and Misconceptions
A variety of methods are practiced for the management of urban stormwater runoff. These include detention basins/ponds, retention basins, infiltration basins, and seepage pits. This paper...

The Hydraulic and Hydrological Interactions Between Urban Sewer Systems and Receiving Waters at High Discharges
In the transition region from sewer to river, the penetration of river flood water into the sewer network or the hydraulic overload of small rivers due to sewer system discharges, may...

Urban Soft Bottom Low Flow Channel?A New Approach
In 1987, the City of Boulder, Colorado requested assistance from the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (District) to repair an all too familiar problem of cattails growing in the...





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