A Fractal Concept in Stream, Swale, and Sheet Flow
The concept of fractals, in simple terms, says that the patterns of natural features repeat themselves as the feature gets divided into successively smaller segments. In this paper, the...

Uncertainty of Runoff Volume as a Function of Rainfall and Catchment Characteristics
The expected variability of runoff volume due to the uncertainties in spatial distribution of rainfall and catchment characteristics is quantified. A physically-based mathematical model...

Synthetic Calibration of a Rainfall-Runoff Model
A method for synthetically calibrating storm-mode parameters for the U.S. Geological Survey's Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System is described. Synthetic calibration is accomplished...

Example of the Stable Channel Design Approach
This paper shows an example application of a new method being packaged by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to aid in the design of stable flood-control channels. A stable...

Environmental Design of Channels?Can It Be Done?
The importance of environmental features to channel design is generally accepted and procedures for incorporating environmental features into flood control channel design have been developed....

Stable Channel Analytical Design Method
The Flood-Control Channels Research Program is being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to develop systematic methods for design of stable channels for small...

Identification Techniques for Bank Erosion and Failure Processes
The Hydraulics Laboratory of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has developed techniques to design small flood-control channels. A component of this research is the...

Guidance on the Selection and Use of Sediment Discharge Formulas
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the sediment function module of the computer program SAM. SAM is being developed as a product of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels...

Failure Modeling of Hydraulic Systems
Techniques of survival analysis are investigated for modeling the failure of hydraulic systems. The Proportional Hazards Model has the advantage of being able to separate the effects on...

Optimal Design of Highway Drainage Structures
Hydraulic design of a bridge or culvert using a risk-based approach is to choose among the alternatives the one associated with the least total expected cost. In this paper, the risk-based...

Conceptual Evaluation of Dam Safety by Instrumentation
The criteria governing the design of dams can frequently be imprecise. One of the most practical methods of evaluating dam safety in the dam safety surveillance programs is to check the...

Conservativeness in Hydraulic Engineering Studies
Hydraulic engineers routinely make a variety of assumptions during the course of a study. Assumptions, once made, usually become incorporated into the fabric of the study and are seldom...

Weibull Distribution and Natural Hydrograph
For design projects in water resources, a hydrograph is commonly used for the determination of flood volume generated by a given drainage basin. The division of total flow into direct...

Channel Network Analysis Using Simultaneous Solution Algorithm
In this paper, a simultaneous solution algorithm for one dimensional unsteady flow routing through channel networks is introduced. This direct solution algorithm is based on the double...

Study on Hydrologic Response Via Channel Network Geomorphology
A drainage basin consists of slopes and channels. Slopes are the main fields at which rainfall input is converted into discharge. Stream-channels are the main fields at which the discharge...

Stability Criteria for Revetments
A simplified 'black box' approach is presented for a number of revetment systems for banks and shore protection. The design criteria, based on the physical similarity...

The Influence of Uniformity on Riprap Stability
Studies have shown that size uniformity influences the stability of riprap. The ratio of fractional sizes of the riprap mixture, D60/D10,...

Riprap Stability Results from Large Test Channel
Velocity data from a large test channel were used to determine the distribution of depth-averaged velocity and shear stress on the side slope of both straight and curved channels. From...

Design and Construction of Soil-Cement Drop Structures
Soil-cement has been used as an effective and economical slope protection material for embankment dams and stream banks. This paper describes the use of soil-cement in the construction...

Scour in Non-Cohesive Beds at Culvert Outlets
An empirical relationship was developed to estimate the depth of scour in non-cohesive material at culvert outlets. The scour depth is expressed as a function of mean particle size of...





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