A PASSER II-90 Postprocessor for Detailed Analysis of Arterial Traffic Control Parameters
Many preprocessors have been developed for traffic signal operation software to ease the tedious data input process or to perform error trapping on the input data. However, work to date...

Operations Simulation of Rocky Mount to Charlotte Rail Route
This paper presents the approach and findings of a study sponsored by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The study analyzed running times of a state-sponsored 403(b) passenger...

Spreadsheet Pavement Management Systems for Local Roads
Changes in administration and funding levels at the local government level are continuing to illustrate the need for information systems to aid the county engineer or public works director....

A Maintenance Management System for Highways & Urban Streets
This paper describes the establishment of a comprehensive management system for highways and urban streets of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. In this important United Nations project...

An Integrated System for Evaluation, Rating and Management of Bridges
This paper describes a software system that can effectively be used in bridge management and planning. The system integrates several modules each capable of conducting a specific task...

A Two-Way Traffic Feasibility Analysis
This paper presents the findings of a traffic planning feasibility analysis of the expected operational characteristics and traffic impacts related to the proposed conversion of Hennepin...

Validating Expert System Prototypes Using the Turing Test
This paper describes the Turing Test technique to formalize the expert system validation process using a mature microcomputer based prototype expert system that has been developed to perform...

Integration of a Traffic Noise Model and AutoCAD
TrafficNoiseCAD represents a new approach to noise analysis and barrier design by integrating file creation for the FHWA STAMINA 2.0 noise prediction program with interactive graphical...

An Expert System for Stop-Controlled Intersection Design
In 1915, the first stop sign was installed in Detroit, Michigan, but until now, there was still no one coordinated body of knowledge which would dictate design and analysis requirements....

Trip Generation Analysis by Artificial Neural Networks
A new approach for conducting trip generation analysis based on the concepts of artificial neural networks is presented in this paper. First, a brief introduction to the concepts of artificial...

The Use of Linked Spreadsheets as a Transportation Problem Solving Tool
Spreadsheet modeling is a useful tool for business as well as engineering applications. Until the advent of linked spreadsheets this type of modeling was based on the concept of preparing...

Regulatory Views on Seismic and Fault-Displacement Parameters Needed for a Geologic Repository Design
This paper presents the regulatory views of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff on some of the significant issues related to the seismic and faulting design of a geologic repository....

An Overview of Analysis and Regulatory Needs to Determine Seismic Loads for Design of a High-Level Waste Geologic Repository
Determination of seismic loads and faulting hazard for siting, design and performance evaluation of a high-level nuclear waste repository facility can be accomplished with state-of-knowledge...

Performance Goal Based Seismic Design Criteria for High Level Waste Repository Facilities
This paper proposes a set of deterministic seismic design and evaluation criteria based upon a specified probabilistic seismic performance goal for High Level Waste Repository (HLWR) facilities....

Tectonic Characterization of a Potential High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Tectonic characterization of a potential high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is needed to assess seismic and possible volcanic hazards that could affect the...

Geometric Models of Faulting at Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is currently being studied as a potential site for a geologic repository of high-level radioactive waste. Alternative conceptual tectonic models are expected to...

Probabilistic Seismic Design Considerations for a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository
Earthquakes in the vicinity of an underground high-level waste (HLW) repository have potential effects that must be estimated during the design of the facility. The production facilities...

Current Plans to Characterize the Design Basis Ground Motion at the Yucca Mountain, Nevada Site
A site at Yucca Mountain Nevada is currently being studied to assess its suitability as a potential host site for the nation's first commercial high level waste repository. The DOE has...

Estimation of Near-Regional Seismic Ground Motion from Underground Nuclear Explosion Tests
A problem unique to the location of a nuclear waste repository adjacent to the Nevada Test Site is the assessment of seismic ground motion from potential underground nuclear explosion...

Block Dynamics Modeling in Support of Seismic Design
The behavior of an underground excavation is usually characterized by stresses and displacements which develop around the excavation as a result of prevailing field conditions. For conventional...





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