Aerobic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Solvents in Unsaturated Soils
A potentially attractive application of methylotrophic bacteria is in the treatment of contaminated, unsaturated soil. Methane and air could be supplied by injection and withdraw wells,...

Weathering of Constituents at Land Treatment Sites
The objectives of this research were to: 1) determine the leachability of metals and organics from soils at hazardous waste land treatment sites; 2) evaluate the mobility of hazardous...

Stabilization of Critical Enclosed Natural Draft Ground Flares
This paper presents the results of an investigation evaluating the causes of and implementing a cost effective solution to combustion driven oscillations in six large natural draft flares....

Long-term Land Treatment: A Performance Evaluation
Overland flow (OLF) land treatment has been applied effectively in the United States for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewaters. Although several overland flow systems in...

Estimation of Infiltration Rates from a Landfill
The Landfill Source Model (LSM) provides a physically-based, computationally efficient estimate of leachate emanating from a landfill. The model is PC-based and simulates a number of surface...

An Evaluation of Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Closure Options
The purpose of this research was to evaluate changes in the persistence and mobility of the residues remaining when hazardous waste land treatment (HWLT) sites are closed. This evaluation...

The Utilization of a Deflocculant to Decrease the Permeability of a Clay Liner
A hazardous waste landfill was completed in Oklahoma during 1988. The clay liner was constructed to fulfill the RCRA requirements for permeability of equal to or less than 1E-07 centimeters...

Design and Implementation of a Risk-Based Remedial Action Program for Underground Tank Removal at a Dioxin-Contaminated Site
The unknown or uncertain conditions often inherent in hazardous waste site remediation projects complicate the job of the responsible professional to adequately assess and manage associated...

Agricultural Salinity?Nature, Extent & Concerns
This paper presents an overview on the nature, extent and concerns of agricultural salinity problems. The problem of salinity has extended beyond the farmlands, and the practice of saline...

Effects of Salts on Soils and Plants
Salinity is a major constraint to crop production in many irrigated lands of the world. Management practices are needed for the control of soil and water salinity. The development of appropriate...

Root Zone Salinity Control?Leaching Fraction, Spatial Variability
This paper gives an overview of three chapters that are contained in a new ASCE manual called Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management Manual. Chapter 9 is entitled Field Sampling...

Water Quality Criteria for Irrigation
An assessment of irrigation water quality for the concentration of inorganic constituents should consider crop sensitivities, soil properties, such as hydraulic conductivity, reactions...

Land Reclamation and Drainage Water Reuse
This paper presents a brief overview of two chapters appearing in 'Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management Manual', K. Tanji, Edit., Irrigation and Drainage...

Irrigation and Drainage Practices
Salinity causes many problems in agriculture, by lowering production or requiring more intensive management on farms, or by degrading off-farm soils and waters. This paper describes causes...

Irrigation Agriculture: Is it Sustainable?
Irrigation in (semi-) arid climates can be managed in such a way that it can be sustained indefinitely. Salination can be avoided by providing adequate drainage. Drainage, however, exacts...

In Situ Measurement of Preferential Flow
An experiment was performed that quantifies the variability of flow paths in the vadoze zone. Bromide tracer and an organic dye, which has many of the same transport characteristics as...

Drainage of Landfill Covers and Bottom Liners
This paper presents two new tools for preliminary evaluation of drainage-system designs. The first is a set of equations that define the saturated-depth profile for steady drainage over...

An Interactive Microcomputer Program for One-Dimensional Solute Transport in Saturated Soil-Water Systems
This paper presents a user-friendly microcomputer program for one-dimensional solute transport in saturated soil-water systems. Eight different types of adsorption isotherms, ranging from...

Pressure Relief Design Around Pumping Plants
Hydraulic transient protection for an irrigation pipeline pump station can include optimized operating procedures, or design of surge relief equipment such as surge relief valves, and...

The MSU Sprinkling Infiltrometer: A Device to Measure Time-to-Ponding
Time-to-ponding can be determined quickly and with minimal disturbance to the soil surface by the use of a sprinking infiltrometer developed at Michigan State University (MSU). Solenoid...





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