Operation of the Annapolis Tidal Straflo Unit
The Annapolis Tidal Generating Station, located at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, is the first plant in North America to generate electricity by Tidal action. The facility, rated at 19....

North Fork Hydro Electric Power Station
Lake Hemet Municipal Water District has recently installed a hydro power station capable of producing approximately 200 KW of power during years of normal flow and 600 KW during periods...

Planning & Execution for Rehabilitation of Large Francis Turbine/Generator Units
This paper highlights some of the constraints in planning and execution of rehabilitation work which must be carried out within an extremely tight schedule, dictated by hydrological considerations...

Case Study of Existing Site's Optimum Capacity
A study was performed to determine the optimum additional hydroelectric capacity for installation at an underdeveloped run-of-river hydro site. The added capacity will operate in conjunction...

Non-Federal Hydropower Development at Federal Facilities
The opportunities are available for meaningful coordination among hydropower developers, consulting engineers, and Federal, State, and local agencies to promote comprehensive development...

Hydropower on the Arkansas?A Non-Federal Development
In 1980, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC) filed preliminary permit applications with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for developing the hydropower potential at...

Non-Federal Development at Corps Projects: Ohio River Division Experience
The paper presents the recent experience of the Ohio River Division of the Corps of Engineers (ORD) in non-federal development of the hydropower potential at existing Corps projects under...

Non-Federal Development at a Federal Dam: A Case Study
The 2. 8 MW Mt. Elbert Conduit Hydropower Project, developed by STS Energenics Ltd. Inc. , will begin operation mid-October, 1985. The powerhouse has been constructed and the turbine and...

Retrofit Hydropower at Corps of Engineers' Dams
The Sacramento District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for the review of retrofit hydropower by non-federal entities at 14 dams in the District. This review actually...

Small Hydro Technology Transfer Project: Licensing Activities
This paper summarizes a report that is part of the Small Hydro Technology Project, sponsored jointly by the Department of Energy and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The Licensing...

Relicensing/Renewal and Coordinated Consultation
A project which has been constructed and operating for a number of years offers a substantial set of empirical data for assessing how - and by whom - the project should be continued in...

The Consumer and the Relicensing of Hydroelectric Facilities
Investor-owned utility companies hold licenses to more than three hundred and fifty hydroelectric projects in the United States. These projects are valued at an estimated 20 billion. They...

Hydro Relicensing: Planning Environmental Support for a Major Relicensing Program
The ultimate goal of the relicensing effort is to maintain the existing FERC licenses, and projects which continue to provide economic generation capacity. Failure to plan adequately can...

The Institutional Lender's View of Project Insurance Issues
The purposes of this article are to describe the typical insurance requirements of project financing institutions (particularly for projects with an insurable value of less than 20 million)...

Addressing Legal Issues in Municipal/Private Cooperative Ventures
The authors were directly involved in negotiating the first contract between a public body and a private developer for the rehabilitation and operation of a hydroelectric project in the...

Escondido Decision?Results, Impacts & Applications
The United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision of May 15, 1984, now requires Federal agencies and potential licensees to be more responsive to public needs and requirements....

Turbine Efficiency Loss Associated with Draft Tube Aeration
Draft tube aeration is one method for improving the dissolved oxygen content of hydroelectric discharges. A simple analytical procedure is presented for estimating the loss in turbine...

Analysis of Slow Speed vs. High Speed Generation
This paper presents a discussion of the relative merits of each alternative, with emphasis placed on experience gained from projects recently completed. The discussion considers such factors...

A New Turgo Turbine in China
In this paper a special runner bucket of the new Turgo turbine is illustrated and a comparison is made between the characteristics of the new Turgo and the ordinary Turgo turbine with...

Rim-Drive Turbine for Low Head Applications
A turbine design and testing program was undertaken with the objective of developing a standardized turbine/generator arrangement that would be well suited to the 10 to 30 foot head range....





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