Techniques for Measuring Flow and Sediment Parameters Near the Bed in Estuaries
The collection of accurate and meaningful field data is often the key to successful description and prediction of natural processes. The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Update: Fluidization for Tidal Channel Maintenance
Flow emanating from perforations in a pipe under a non-cohesive media, such as sand in the coastal environment, can fluidize the overlying media. The fluidized sand can be readily moved...

Nonhomogeneous Terms in the Unsteady Flow Equations: Modeling Aspects
A study is in progress to identify the relative significance, effects, and benefits attributable to the use of one-dimensional, unsteady, open-channel, flow-simulation models employing...

Coupled Implicit Simulation of Mobile-Bed Rivers
Numerical and physical deficiencies in existing computational codes for simulation of bed evolution in mobile-bed rivers have led the authors to propose a new approach. The new method...

Polyhedric Surfaces
A new design for spillways is proposed. The basic idea is to substitute the traditional shape of the continuous vertical bends by polygonal plane surfaces. In this way it is possible to...

Model Study to Locate Aerators in Tunnel Spillways
A model study to locate, in an optimum way, aerators in tunnel spillways is presented. A Froude half model, scale 1:30, was used. The flow geometry, the air discharge sucked by the aerators...

Applications of the Singular Point Method to Hydraulic Analysis of Spillways
A computer-oriented procedure is described to develop rating tables for side channel spillways. The procedure includes three sets of computations which have to be performed iteratively...

Minimum Energy Loss and Velocity Profiles in Pipes
Minimum energy loss in a flow is discussed. The concept is applied to derive velocity distributions for laminar flow through a circular pipe and steady uniform turbulent flow through a...

Computation of Supercritical Flow in Open Channels
The use of two explicit, shock-capturing, finite-difference schemes, Lax and MacCormack, for the solution of two-dimensional shallow-water equations in steady, supercritical flow is investigated....

Joint Consideration of Pipe Breakage and Pipe Flow Probabilities
Two issues of distribution network reliability, namely, probability of pipe failure and probability of the design flow being exceeded have been discussed. Expressions containing measures...

Scour Prevention at Bridge Piers
Laboratory experiments are described in which attempts are made to eliminate local scour at bridge piers using submerged vanes and pier collar. The submerged vanes direct bed load toward,...

A Semianalytical Method for Solving Unsteady Flow Equations
This paper proposes a method that uses conjunctively the Laplace transform for continuous time and finite element for spatial discretization to solve unsteady flow equations. Laplace transforms...

Turbulent Transverse Shear Flows in Shallow Waters
Shallow turbulent mixing layers, generated downstream of a splitter plate between a fast and a slow open-channel flows of shallow water depth, were investigated experimentally for vertical...

Cellular-Automata for Hydrodynamic Modeling
A two-dimensional fluid continuum system can be modeled using a discrete field of particles that interact according to simple deterministic rules. The methodology is called Cellular Automata....

An Efficient, Accurate Technique for Navier-Stokes Solution
Solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for a Newtonian, incompressible fluid (such as water) requires both accuracy in the assuring conservation of mass and efficiency of convergence....

Dispersal of Dredged Material Disposal Plumes
An empirical model describes dispersal of dredged material disposal plumes in an urban estuary, Central Long Island Sound, during spring of 1983. The model uses in situ current meter data...

Estimation of Navigation-Dam Discharge in Illinois
Techniques were used to estimate discharge for the Brandon Road Dam on the Des Plaines River and the Dresden Island, Marseilles, and Starved Rock Dams on the Illinois River in northern...

Discharge and Depth Behind a Partially Breached Dam
The role that the velocity-distribution correction factor plays in the determination of the flood discharge and corresponding flow depth behind a partially breached dam is investigated....

Reinforcement of Steep Grassed Waterways
A collaborative research program has been undertaken in the UK to develop guidelines for the use of various proprietary reinforcement systems to enhance the erosion resistance of grass...

The idea that model testing could be useful in planning for the control of water in rivers and other waterways received little support in this country until John R. Freeman's...





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