Emergency Response
A spill normally has five phases; namely, the initial emergency response, the site assessment, the development of a remedial action plan, the implementation of the remedial action plan,...

When to Remediate: Remediation or Reparations
The 1986 reauthorization of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund) forcefully stated Congress' desire to see our nations hazardous...

Biological Treatment of Trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene and related compounds such as cis- and trans-1,2-dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride are common contaminants of ground water in industrial areas. In oxygenated ground...

Physical and Chemical Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater at Hazardous Waste Sites
In selecting an appropriate groundwater treatment system, three steps are normally followed. 1. A groundwater investigation is performed to determine the types and concentrations of contaminants...

The Impacts of CERCLA, RCRA and State Programs on Site Remediation: A Case Study
The major federal programs requiring ground water remedial response actions include RCRA and CERCLA. On the state level New Jersey law makers have enacted a number of statutes which regulate...

Chasing Birds from Oil Spills?Two Experiments
Two Canadian studies that addressed different aspects of this problem were conducted in the late 1970's. One was funded by Canadian Marine Drilling Ltd. (Canmar), who was...

The Formulation of a Comprehensive Program to Protect Marine Wildlife Resources During an Oil Spill: A Case Study in Problem Solving Through Private and Public Sector Cooperation
This paper describes a unique experiment in private and public sector cooperation which led to the formulation of a comprehensive program designed to maximize the protection accorded Southern...

Restoring Chesapeake Bay Living Resources
Following nearly ten years of study and analysis of the degraded Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, a new emphasis has emerged in 1986 - linkage of water quality to living resource problems, with...

Maryland's Critical Area Program: Saving the Bay
Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Protection Program (also referred to as the Critical Area Law, Subtitle 18 of the Natural Resources Article, Sections 8-1801 through...

Environmental Considerations to Channel Dredging
In this paper two principal areas of environmental concern were investigated. The first is the physical impact of dredging and deposition of solid materials causing turbidity on aquatic...

Satellite-Tracked Buoy Activities in Saudi Arabia
During the pollution threat on the Gulf caused by the collapse of the NOWRUZ oil field well in February 1983, the Meteorology and Environmental Administration (MEPA) established an Oil...

Ocean Incineration?A Burning Issue (With Emphasis on the Sea-Surface Microlayer)
Ocean incineration of hazardous wastes has been encouraged by the Environmental Protection Agency. Many scientists as well as other citizens are concerned that potential impacts have not...

Leachate Migration from a Solid Waste Disposal Facility Near Biscayne National Park, South Florida (abstract)s
Leachate from the Dade County Solid Waste Disposal Facility (SWDF) is migrating to the east (seaward) and to the south from the currently active disposal cell. Water levels and ground-water...

Ocean Incineration and the Coastal Zone
Despite over ten years of incinerating liquid hazardous wastes in the North Sea, the scientific community and the public continue to raise serious concerns about the effectiveness of this...

Analysis of Institutional Policy for the Provision of Stormwater Management in the Lake Pontchartrain Watershed
In response to the threat that pollution from urban runoff poses to the utilization of Lake Pontchartrain as an economic and recreational resource, this study addresses, from an institutional...

A Case Study of the CEQ Worst Case Regulation
This paper focuses on a decision by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) not to include a worst case oil spill analysis in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed...

The Gulf Initiative
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region IV, has proposed a program, the Gulf Initiative, to better manage the natural resources within the Gulf of Mexico. As an initial...

Marine Policy and the States
Increased conflict between the states and federal government over offshore activities, cuts in federal support for ocean programs, and the New Federalism rhetoric of the Reagan administration...

Ocean Dumping at Akutan: Impact of Policy on Decisions
The role of policy in management decisions is often overlooked by the general public during the decision-making process because of the public's greater interest in the environmental...

Waste Disposal in Coastal Waters
The increasing concentration of population and industry on coastal areas, is making greater demands for coastal disposal. However, the coastal waters are also used for recreation, and...





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