The Sorry State of Flood Hydrology in the Arid Southwest
Flood hydrology for urban areas of the arid and semiarid Southwest is in a sorry state. It is based in large part on precomputer manual methods. The state-of-the-art should move into the...
Stochastic Modeling of Monthly Flows in Streams of Arid Regions
A new stochastic model is presented herein which is applicable to simulating monthly flows of streams in arid regions. The model enables one to reproduce the percentage of zero flows in...
Way Against Debris Flows at China's Mountain Towns
For important protected objectives, the measures against debris flow in mountain towns should ensure all-round reliability and adopt a comprehensive system of engineering projects combined...
Moving Toward the Millennium
The last decade of the 1990's is just beginning and paradoxically the water resources readily available to Clark County, Nevada are just ending. In a few short years Nevada's...
Water Conservation in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power shares the responsibility with its customers of managing water resources by implementing water conservation measures that can be applied at...
A Reservoir Yield Evaluation in an Arid Climate
Yield calculations rarely can be more accurate than roughly plus or minus twenty percent. The same uncertainty is dramatically greater in arid climates where the average annual runoff...
Erosion Processes in Upland Areas
After a soil particle is detached and entrained, it will be transported by the surface runoff. However, depending on the eroding and transport capacities of the surface runoff, some of...
Complex Geomorphic Response to Minor Climate Changes, San Diego County, CA
Precipitation in San Diego County, California over the past several hundred years has been characterized by excursions between periods of relatively low precipitation having durations...
Design Storms and Sizing of Flood Control Facilities
Design stroms which embody the rainfall characteristics of an area are used for the sizing of drainage facilities. The selection of a design strom may significantly influence the design...
A Value Engineering/Risk Analysis Approach to Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulic Structures
Value engineering is an objective, systematic method for minimizing cost of a system. Risk analysis is a method of quantifying uncertainties or probabilities of possible economic loss,...
Flood Control Improvements on Alluvial Fans
Floodplain management on alluvial fans has become an increasingly important issue with continued growth and urbanization in the southwest. The design of flood control facilities for new...
Risk Analysis as a Tool to Determine Spillway Design Capacities
Lyman Dam is an earth and rockfill structure located on the Little Colorado River approximately 11 miles south and upstream of St. Johns, Arizona. Several studies examining the safety...
Estimation of Expected Damages, Indemnification Costs and Joint Probabilities of Dam Failures
This paper describes three methods to evaluate structural options for the rehabilitation of an existing dam using the dollar-denominated risk and capital cost associated with each option...
GIS: Easing Infrastructure Management
GIS provides an ideal means for city planners and engineers to plan construction and maintenance of water-distribution networks, wastewater-collection systems and treatment plants, highways,...
Field and Model Studies of Ocean Outfalls
Field and laboratory studies of the behavior of wastewater discharged from the San Francisco ocean outfall are reported. Wastefield behavior was predicted by the mathematical models RSB...
Thermal Plumes from Staged Diffusers into a Uniform Quiescent Environment
The behavior of thermal plumes from staged multiport diffusers was investigated experimentally. The three-dimensional temperature distribution was measured by scanning thermistor rakes...
Chemically-Enhanced Treatment: An Alternative to Biological Secondary Treatment for Ocean Outfalls
Chemically-enhanced treatment is a process whereby chemicals are added to wastewater in order to enhance solids removals through coagulation. This treatment process can obtain removal...
Iona Outfall Plume Characterization Study
Field studies were conducted in August 1988 to verify the performance of the new deep sea outfall for the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Iona Island Sewerage Treatment Plant...
An Experimental Study of Oil Spreading in Ice Covered Waters
In this paper the experimental procedure and some preliminary observations from a new series of experiments on the mechanism of oil spreading under fragmented ice are presented. Laboratory...
Flow Distribution in Multiple Channels with Partial Ice Coverage
It is not uncommon for rivers to have multiple channels. The distribution of the total flow to the individual channels depends on their relative hydraulic characteristics of depth, width...
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