Regional Flood Frequency Equations for Antelope Valley in Kern County, California
Rapid residential, commercial, and industrial development has occurred in recent years in the Antelope Valley, California. With the new development progressing at full speed, the local...
A Multi-Level Contour Method for Tracking and Forecasting Rain Fields of Severe Storms by Weather Radars
A new automated method is developed in order to track and predict in short-term (15 min-1 hr lead times) the evolution of rain fields in time and space, as observed by weather radars....
Simulating Spatially Varied Thunderstorm Rainfall
Using data from two independent, relatively dense networks of raingages located in the vicinity of Tucson, Arizona, the spatial distribution of thunderstorm rainfall was determined as...
Rainfall-Sampling Impacts on Runoff
The sensitivity of computed peak-runoff rates to rainfall-sampling frequency over three semiarid watersheds in southeastern Arizona of increasing size is investigated using the methodology...
Precipitation on Arid or Semi-Arid Regions of the Southwestern United States: Research Needs from a Consultant's Perspective
In terms of both instantaneous flow peaks and total runoff volumes, a key element in the quantification of stormwater runoff from arid and semi-arid regions of the southwestern United...
Longitudinal Surface Profiles of Granular Debris Flows
Longitudinal surface profiles of granular material flowing down an inclined plane were studied by means of theoretical analysis and laboratory experiments. There are two driving forces...
Model of Deposition of Grains from Debris Flow
Rapid deposition of grains from debris flow occurs in a channel whose slope angle decreases abruptly. A model of the deposition is presented on the basis of experiments and theoretical...
Graphical Verification of Flood Frequency Analysis
In the analysis of flood frequency data, a proper distribution must be chosen to fit the data being analyzed. A properly applied distribution can minimize errors in the extrapolation of...
Multiple Phenomena of Debris-Flow Processes: A Challenge for Hazard Assessments
Hazardous hydraulic processes associated with arid environments commonly repesent significant risks to the safety of the public. However, the public generally considers these risks to...
Recurrence of Debris Flows on an Alluvial Fan in Central Utah
In the spring of 1983 a large debris flow occurred in the drainage of Birch Creek, near Fountain Green in central Utah. During the debris-flow activity, a new channel was incised into...
Design Cloudburst and Flash Flood Methodology for the Western Mojave Desert, California
A methodology was required for estimating flow in ungaged drainages. An analysis of floods in the western Mojave Desert showed that the largest events on basins below 1,500 meters MSL...
Western Surface Climate and Streamflow and the El Nino/Southern Oscillation
Climate variability has direct social and economic impacts the most direct of which occur through the hydrologic cylce. Of primary concern to society are the hydrologic extremes of floods...
Spectral Analysis of Annual Time Series of Mountain Precipitation
In this paper we examine the statistical moments of long record, annual, precipitation time series for 19 west facing stations along the Wasatch Front, northern Utah. The mean, variance,...
Precipitation Simulation Model for Mountainous Areas
This study investigated the use of the Markov chain-mixed exponential (MCME) model as a means of obtaining synthetic daily precipitation amounts at a site, based on knowledge of the mean...
Temporal Characteristics of Aridland Rainfall Events
Rainfall intensity data are required to drive infiltration-based runoff models. Because data are sparse and cumbersome, a model to generate reasonable sequences of data is needed. Studying...
Structural Control of Ground-Water Induced Debris Flows
A number of case studies have attributed debris flow initiation to the effect of elevated pore pressure from a bedrock ground-water source. Debris flows on slopes underlain by Precambrian...
Initiation and Laws of Motion of Debris Flow
The mechanism of initiation and laws of motion of debris flow are studied experimentally, by allowing water or clay muds, with different clay concentrations and at different flow rates,...
Geomorphology and Sedimentology of a Valley Fan, Southern Utah
Sink Valley, located in semi-arid west-central Kane County, Utah, lies on an erosional surface of Cretaceous age Tropic Shale. The valley contains an example of a previously undocumented...
Predicting Alluvial-Fan Sediment-Water Slurry Characteristics and Behavior from Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Past Deposits
Slurry characteristics can be predicted by a combination of field and laboratory analyses. Field observations are needed to determine deposit stratigraphy and to estimate the abundance...
Runoff and Erosional Processes in an Arid Watershed
This paper reports the results of geomorphic, hydrologic, and hydraulic analyses that integrated a physical process computer model of rainfall/runoff processes with a geomorphic process/response...
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