Deadly Debris Flows on I-5 Near Grapevine, CA
A series of debris flows inundated the southbound lanes of interstate Highway 5 (1-5) approximately 110 km (70 mi) NW of Los Angeles, California, between Fort Tejon and Grapevine, early...

Evolution of Drainage Criteria, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Storm drainage in Albuquerque, NM is a central issue in land development. To expedite municipal development while assuring public safety and preserving environmental attributes in a public...

Drainage Manual for Clark County, Nevada
The development of a flood control district and its associated capital improvement and regulatory programs does not by itself address drainage standards for a community. While the capital...

Urban Hydrology in the Desert, Antelope Valley, California
A study of urban hydrology in Antelope Valley includes data collection, analysis of rainfall and runoff frequencies, and comparison of results from various rainfall-runoff models. This...

Comparison of Design Rainfall Criteria for the Southwest
The design of drainage and flood control facilities or the management of floodplains for alluvial fans is extremely sensitive to the design rainfall criteria that is used as input to the...

Inclusion of Wetlands in Designated Floodway Studies
The purpose of this paper is to propose a change in the traditional methods and procedures used by hydrologist and hydraulic engineers to define floodways and floodway fringe areas. We...

The Colorado River Water Rights: Back to the Future
A discussion about tomorrow's projected water shortages in California and efforts to meet the anticipated demands through the Colorado River supply requires at least a brief...

California-Nevada Water Marketing Issues
Many California local agency interests tend to oppose, at least initially, transfers of water across the stateline to Nevada, and have been to some extent successful in creating provisions...

Future Transfers of Water and Conveyance Capacity Between the CVP and the California SWP
On November 24, 1986, the Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) executed an agreement known as the Coordinated Operations Agreement or COA....

Central Valley Project Operations
The Federal Central Valley Project (CVP) utilizes the water supply and storage regulated by the CVP's four major northern California reservoirs, Clair Engle, Whiskeytown,...

Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta The Key to Water Transfer
The Delta is a key feature in California's water resources picture. This ecologically sensitive area is currently experiencing adverse effects from water diversions and needed...

Future Expansion of the State Water Project
Measures currently underway by the California Department of Water Resources will result in water transfer enhancements to the State Water Project. Water banking facilities, in the form...

The Need for Water Transfers and the State Water Project
California's water resources do not all occur when and where they are needed to meet growing urban and agricultural needs. Extensive water transfer projects have been constructed...

Mudflow Rheology in a Vertically Rotating Flume
Joint research by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Missouri-Rolla currently (1990) is being conducted on a 3.05 meters in diameter vertically rotating flume used to simulate...

Rheological Properties of Simulated Debris Flows in the Laboratory Environment
Steady debris flows with or without a snout are simulated in a 'conveyor-belt' flume using dry glass spheres of a uniform size, 5 or 14 mm in diameter, and their...

Rheological Analysis of Fine-Grained Natural Debris-Flow Material
Experiments were conducted on large samples of fine-grained material (?2mm) from a natural debris flow using a wide-gap concentric-cylinder viscometer. The rheological behavior of this...

The Bearing Capacity of Debris Flows
Debris flows are made of a cohesive muddy matrix in which large and heavy particles exist in suspension. To explain how these particles are maintained in suspension, several mechanisms...

Flume Experiments on Debris Flow
With the different characteristics of grain motion in debris flow, three layers are vertically divided, i.e., viscous collision layer, inertial collision layer and suspension layer. Both...

Experimental Study on the Rheologic Behavior of the Slurry of Viscous Debris Flow
The slurry of viscous debris flow is a kind of dense solid-liquid mixture. It has very complicated rheologic behavior. As shown in the experiment described in this paper, the slurry exhibits...

Experimental Study on the Flow Properties of Debris Flow
A new flow property model for viscous debris flow was presented in this paper. The results of the flow property model were in good agreement with the results of specific experiments. The...





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