Expediting the Evaluation of Water-Rights Applications in the Mimbres Basin, NM
More than eighty percent of all ground water used in New Mexico is used for agriculture. The allocation of ground water in the state is the responsibility of the State Engineer. For the...

Innovative Ways of Meeting California's Water Needs
The California State Water Project has contracted to sell 4.2 million acre-feet of water per year. But, the annual dependable project yield is only about 2.4 million acre-feet. And the...

Landslides and Cherry Trees -- Upgrading the Dalles Irrigation District
The Dalles Irrigation District recently began the process of applying for a federal loan to finance upgrading of the District's distribution system. The process included preparation...

Economic factors of Drainage Water Reduction
Properly designed and maintained pressurized systems provide better irrigation control and greater infiltration uniformity. But irrigation costs are increased. Imposition of drainage water...

Effect of Saline Irrigation Water on Tree Growth
A random block experiment using three types of soil, five different qualities of irrigation water, and three popular windbreak trees was conducted to measure the effects of soil type and...

Blending Saline and Non-Saline Waters Reduces Water Usable for Crop Production
The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical and conceptual evidence to show that water quality protection programs which dispose of agricultural drainage waters through blending...

Kesterson Crisis: Sorting Out the Facts
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) began planning and construction activities in the mid-1960's for the San Luis Drain, a master drain to dispose of salt-laden...

Treatment, Reuse and Disposal of Drain Waters
Treatment, reuse and disposal options of agricultural drainage water present formidable technical problems. Various treatment technologies and disposal methods have been studied. Reuse...

Prognosis on Managing Trace Elements
Management options assessed for trace elements discharged from irrigated lands include source control, drainwater reuse, drainwater treatment and removal of contaminants, disposal, and...

Location, Design, and Construction of Water Wells
Proper location, design, and construction of water wells are important to assure their efficient operation and minimize maintenance problems. Detailed and accurate records of the design...

Efficiency Testing of Water Wells
In the operation of a water well, the difference between the water level in the well before pumping starts and after it has been pumping for a period of time is termed 'drawdown.'...

Rehabilitation of Water Wells
The main causes of declining well yield are biological growths, mechanical clogging and chemical encrustation. Because the treatment of the causes of encrustation and clogging is expensive...

Mapping Ground-Water Sodium Adsorption Ratios in Northern Louisiana
High sodium concentration is suspected as the cause of several crop failures in the northern part of Louisiana. This study, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, was undertaken...

An Evaluation of the Large Mammal Entry/Escape Steps Coachella Canal In-Place Lining Project
This study evaluated the effectiveness of a new system of large mammal entry/escape steps as part of the environmental investigations for the Coachella Canal In-place Lining Prototype,...

Water Quality Criteria for Cyanide in the Similkameen River, British Columbia
The toxicological and environmental significance of the major cyanide compounds is discussed. Data from earlier bioassays studies of cyanide are summarised and the ranges of median lethal...

Movement of Triazine Herbicides and Metolachlor in a Sandy Soil
The movement of atrazine, cyanazine, simazine, and metolachlor was studied in an Evesboro loamy sand soil. Both no-tillage and conventional tillage treatments were used. Atrazine, simazine,...

San Miguel Water Supply Study: A Case Study in Non-Structural Alternatives for Improved Irrigation Water Supplies
The San Miguel study area is located in southwestern Colorado sixty miles south of Grand Junction. Investigations of alternatives for developing additional water supplies involved mainstem...

Near Real Time Irrigation Scheduling Using Heat Unit Based Crop Coefficients
An interactive computer program (SCHEDPEN) which utilizes growing-degree-day based crop coefficients for irrigation scheduling was developed and tested on cotton during 1988 and 1989 at...

Calibration of Tensiometers and Gypsum Blocks Using Soil Moisture Content
The common tensiometer and gypsum block used for irrigation scheduling are evaluated using gravimetric soil moisture measurements. The results indicate several difficulties with the tensiometer...

Water Quality of Jubba River in Somalia
Monitoring of water quality in the Jubba River in Somalia of East Africa, led to indications of a potential impact of toxic trace elements, salinity and biocides in restricting agricultural...





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