Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems Planning and Implementation
The paper describes the approach taken to develop infrastructure rehabilitation procedures for Water Distribution Systems. Early research attempted to develop a mains condition oriented...

The Boundary Element Method in Engineering Practice
The advances in computer aided engineering has revolutionised many aspects of the engineering design in the last twenty years or so. During this time, design engineers have relied heavily...

An Efficient Parallel-Vector Equation Solver
An efficient parallel-vector equation solver is developed for supercomputers. The matrix is stored in a combined column and row orientation style which improves the vector performance...

A Visualization Toolkit for Fluid Mechanics
The increasing complexity of both experimental and computational models in fluid mechanics requires innovative techniques for analysis and comprehension. Visual methods have been shown...

Block-based Solvers for Engineering Applications
This paper compares the performance of standard linear system solvers, LINPACK, widely used in engineering applications, and PARALIN (a block-based package for linear systems) on the Alliant...

A Substructuring Algorithm for Analysis and Optimization of Large Structures on Parallel Machines
An efficient substructuring algorithm is presented for analysis and optimization of frame structures on parallel machines. The underlying concept is to pre-process the input data in such...

Uses of the hp-Version of the Finite Element Method for Ensuring the Reliability of Engineering Data
There is a growing interest in ensuring the reliability and accuracy of engineering data computed by the finite element method. Various adaptive and feedback schemes, which involve the...

Advanced Software for Thin Plate Analysis Using Unequally Spaced Cubic B-Splines
A computer program for analysis of thin plates is presented. This package improves upon previous analysis programs by incorporating a proven analytical method in an advanced user interface,...

Sensitivity Analysis for the Numerical Evaluation of Wind Effects on Buildings
The paper describes the sensitivity analysis carried out in the computational evaluation of wind effects on buildings by using a computer code named TWIST - Turbulent WInd Simulation Techniques....

Cooperative Fracture?Statistical Models
The brittle failure of certain engineering materials represents but an ultimate phase in a process characterized by an evolving system of microdefects distributed over a large part of...

Extracting Dynamics from Ocean Wave Time Series Data
Recent developments in chaotic dynamics have indicated that qualitative information of a dynamical system can be extracted from the observation of a single time series as the time series...

Wave Calculation Using WAM Model and NMC Wind
The CYCLE 2 version of the WAM (Wave Model) model is used to hinfcast global ocean wave spectra, using the NMC (National Meteorological Center) winds, for a period of about 60 days. The...

Effect of Stenotic Geometry on Blood Flow Behavior
The dynamic characteristics of the blood flow is affected by the area reduction of stenosis. To estimate the severity of stenosis, the information about the geometry should also be accounted....

Effects of Artificial Heart Pumping on Hemorheology
Alterations in hemorheology were studied in 19 patients supported by the Jarvik-7 total artificial heart (TAH) anywhere from 1 to 48 days as a bridge-to-cardiac transplantation. Abnormally...

Structural Aspects of Femoral Head Osteonecrosis
Orthopaedic management of early stage osteonecrosis (ON) of the femoral head is aimed at delaying or preventing collapse of structurally weakened regions of repairing dead bone. The advent...

Biomechanical Model of a Lumbar Intervertebral Joint?A System Approach
This study was conducted to determine the forces sustained by the lumbar ligaments under flexion-compression using a two-dimensional equilibrium model. The lumbar motion segment was modeled...

Computational Mechanics: Constitutive Modeling and Performance Analysis
The availability of supercomputers in the 80's has brought about a revolution in the analysis and design of complex structures. Parallel with this, computers have played a...

Foias-Temam Approximations of Attractors for Galloping Oscillators
A method for the algebraic approximation of attractors recently developed by Foias and Temam is adapted for application to autonomous galloping oscillators. We compare results obtained...

Experimental and Numerical Chaos in Continuous Systems: Two Case Studies
Motivated by recent numerical investigations according to which certain types of deep-water compliant offshore structures may experience undesirable chaotic motions, two types of experimental...

Cumulants of the Nonlinear Combination of Independent Random Variables
A random variable of interest is often the sum of linear or nonlinear combinations of many independent random variables. In calculating the statistics of this random sum, advantages of...





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