Importance of Underpier Areas in Lower Hudson River for Striped Bass
A stratified random sampling design was employed in which each of three sampling zones (New York, New Jersey and Upper Harbor underpier areas) were sampled once per month from February...

Coastal Resource Management: The Ecosystem Perspective
A definite need exists to generate coastal management strategies that focus upon integration of the complex interactions between biological, physical, chemical, and geological processes...

Application of Estuarine Habitat Models in Alabama
The development of quantitative impact assessment methods over the past decade has improved our ability to identify environmental losses and recommend appropriate compensation measures...

Community Succession Modeling for Resource Management
The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is implementing community succession models to forecast the impacts of altered hydrological regimes on forested floodplains and coastal marshes. A pilot...

Geomorphic Processes and Stability of Coastal Wetlands
Theoretical stability analyses of coastal wetland systems typically show that the key determinant of stability is the rate of operation of geomorphic processes. This implies that if the...

The Suwannee River Estuary: Cohesive Sedimentation
Cohesive sediment dynamics as effected by salinity intrusion are described for the Suwannee River Estuary, a large estuary flowing over the very shallow limestone shelf of Florida's...

Influence of the Drought Phenomenas of the Senegalese Coastal Ecosystems: The Case of the Saloum Estuary and Mangrove Area
The persistent drought, with the strong reduction in freshwater, causes an oversalinity from upstream to downstream in the Saloum waters. The mangrove system operates such as an inverse...

Multidisciplinary Barge Fleeting Site-Evaluation
The U. S. Maritime Administration, in cooperation with the State of Louisiana, recently (March 1985) released a major report on barge fleeting on the Lower Mississippi River. The study...

New Orleans Flood Gates Hydraulic Model Study
A hydraulic model study was conducted to evaluate the forces exerted on selected floodgates by flowing water as the gates are closed after flooding has begun. The results of the study...

Comparing Flood Stage-Discharge Data?Be Careful!
A long term stage-discharge record is extremely valuable data. However, simplified applications of long term records to draw sweeping conclusions about man's effects should be avoided,...

Real-Time Monitoring and Flood Forecasting in Harris County, Texas
A new automated flood warning system is now serving the 2,700,000 residents of Houston, Harris County, Texas. Real-time rainfall and river level data from more than 90 sensors are automatically...

Application of Geographic Information System for Hydrologic Investigation
The Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources is developing a geographic information system (GIS) under the federally funded Lands Unsuitable for Mining Program (LUMP). This...

State Space Approach to Flood Stage Estimation
A flood routing and stage prediction model is developed using the techniques of State Space and Kalman filtering. The governing equation is the physically based hydrologic method of flood...

Computer-Based Predictions of Atchafalaya Bay Sedimentation
The Atchafalaya River, a distributary of the Mississippi River, discharges into Atchafalaya Bay through the Lower Atchafalaya River and Wax Lake Outlet. The bay delta has grown rapidly...

Open Channel Flowrate Measurement Using Multipath Acoustic Flowmeters
Recent acoustic flowmeter developments have improved the applicability and accuracy of the multipath acoustic measurement technique. Accuracy, hardware cost and calibration cost can be...

Eight Open Channel Flow Programs for the Apple IIe Microcomputer
The purpose of this paper is to present eight programs in hydraulics and hydrology suitable for running on the Apple IIe and Apple IIc microcomputers. The programs are: Flood 1, Flood...

Boundary Shear Stress in a Meandering Channel
Longitudinal and transverse velocity, bed shear, and water surface elevation were studied in a fixed-bed, meandering, laboratory channel with naturally varying, non-prismatic cross sectional...

Stream Research at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory
Stream research at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory has been directed primarily towards an understanding of long-term responses to logging. Forest logging causes many changes in streams including...

The Role of Hydraulics and Sediment in Large River Ecology
The National Science Foundation has sponsored a project under the long term ecological research (LTER) program which is called the 'Illinois Rivers' LTER project....

Water Supply Intake Structures on Western Rivers
Many of the problems experienced with water supply intake structures on western rivers result from a failure to mitigate the effects of moving sediments. Shallow but varying flow depths...





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