?4C Release From Failed Spent Fuel Containers
Partially failed containers may provide a meaningful barrier to the release of gaseous radionuclides. A modeling approach is outlined and sample calculations are provided that show the...

Container Material Selection, Modeling and Testing
Virtually all of the approximately 40,000 high-level nuclear wast containers to be emplaced at Yucca Mountain must remain intact for 1,000 years to satisfy Nuclear Regulatory Commission...

MIIT; International In-Situ Testing of Simulated HLW Forms?Preliminary Analyses of SRL 165/TDS Waste Glass and Metal Systems
The first in-situ tests involving burial of simulated high-level waste (HLW) forms conducted in the United States were started on July 22, 1986. This effort, called the Materials Interface...

Role of Waste Packages in the Safety of a High Level Waste Repository in a Deep Geological Formation
The safety of a radioactive waste disposal facility lays on the three following barriers placed between the radioactive materials and the biosphere: the waste package, the engineered barriers,...

The Continuing Evolution of a Radioactive Material Transport System
The paper considers the evolution of BNFL's transportation system and those lessons learned and incorporated or being incorporated in the system as it continues to evolve....

TN28V High Capacity Cask for the Transport and Storage of Vitrified Wastes
When the option of reprocessing has been selected, closing of the fuel cycle implies the return shipment of reprocessing wastes back to the country of origin of the spent fuel, in particular...

Surface-Based Site Characterization Testing to Determine the Suitability of the Yucca Mountain Site for a Nuclear Waste Repository
The Yucca Mountain Site in Nevada is currently being evaluated by the U.S. Department of Energy to determine its suitability for the first U.S. high-level radioactive waste repository....

Analysis and Evaluation of Regulatory Uncertainties in 10 CFR 60 Subparts B and E
An attribute analysis scheme is presented for for prioritizing the resolution of regulatory uncertainties. Attributes are presented which assist in identifying the importance, need for...

Transportation Legend, Fact and Hysteria or, How to Dismantle a Mature Industry
In the rush to 'correct' the perceived deficiencies in the regulations covering the transportation of radioactive materials, many people, from legislators to...

What Will be the Engineered Barriers for Deep Disposal of High Level Radioactive Wastes in the Future?
Two sealing approaches are currently being developed in France for deep geological disposal of high-level wastes. One is based on the use of swelling clay in order to restore the initial...

Development of the Engineered Barriers for the Deep Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste
Vitrified waste, overpack and buffer material are under research and development as engineered barriers in the deep geological disposal system of high-level radioactive waste. Static leach...

Near-Field Modelling for the Safety Assessment of French High-Level Waste Repositories
In assessing the safety of a French high-level waste repository, the fluxes of radionuclides released by the near-field into the geosphere are modelled by the CONDIMENT source code. This...

Risk Perspective on Potential Releases of ?4C From the Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain
The objective of this paper is to provide a perspective on the individual and population risks from potential releases of 14C from a geologic repository...

Deposition of Airborne Particles from Fractured Spent Fuel or High-Level Waste
Preliminary equations are developed to predict the amount of deposition of airborne particles that may result from an accidental release in a hot cell. The fraction of these airborne particles...

Materials Selection Issues for Structural Components of Transportation Casks
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is evaluating the use of alternate materials (i.e. other than stainless steel) as structural components in nuclear spent fuel transportation casks. This...

Experience with Certifying Borated Stainless Steel as a Shipping Cask Basket Material
The original cask designs for a cask demonstration project featured fuel baskets constructed of borated stainless steel (bss) as a structural material. The project is intended to demonstrate...

The Role of Sensor Directed, Model-Based Control in Robotic Handling of Nuclear Waste Casks and Materials
This paper discusses the results from several projects at Sandia National Laboratories investigating the application of intelligent machine technologies to remote handling of nuclear waste...

Optimizing the Spent Fuel Transportation Cask for Spent Fuel Age and Burnup: A Preliminary Analysis
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has been assigned responsibility for managing the nation's spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Because of the large quantity of SNF to be moved,...

Recent Results on the Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Durability and Microstructure of DWPF Glass
The effect of gamma radiation on the durability and microstructure of a simulated nuclear waste glass from the Savannah River Site has been carefully investigated. Three large pieces of...

Soluble High-Level Waste Decontamination and Disposal at the Savannah River Site
The high-level radioactive waste that has accumulated at the Savannah River Site is stored in large underground steel tanks. Programs to remove the soluble waste from the storage tanks,...





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