Structural Design, Cementitious Products, and Case Histories
The papers in this book represent deverse topics in structural engineering. In design of beam-columns by the AISC interaction equations, it is demonstrated that an inadequacy exists when...

Tunneling a Bridge
Linking an addition to the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta required a pedestrian tunnel through a railroad embankment 100 ft wide and 40 ft high, with no disruption of train service...

Slurry Walls Protect Harvard Square
Harvard Square Station, Cambridge, Mass., had to be rebuilt when Boston's Red Line Subway was extended further out to the suburbs. For the first time, tied back slurry walls...

Current Corps of Engineers Concepts for Roller Compacted Concrete in Dams
Since construction of Willow Creek Dam in 1982, Elk Creek Dam in southwest Oregon is the only Corps of Engineers dam to be constructed using RCC that has passed beyond the planning stage...

Watertightness and Seepage Control in Roller Compacted Concrete Dams
An unjointed mass of roller compacted concrete (RCC) can easily be proportioned and compacted so that it is essentially impermeable and 'watertight. ' Permeability tests of various field-placed...

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in British Columbia, Canada
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavement is an outgrowth of the traditional cement-treated aggregate base (soil-cement) method of street and highway construction. The major use in British...

Simplified Design and Construction Control for Roller Compacted Concrete
This paper presents a simplified approach to the design and construction quality control of roller compacted concrete (RCC) based on research of previous projects, discussions with experienced...

Construction of Two Spillways Using Roller Compacted Concrete
Roller Compacted Concrete (or RCC) is a relatively new method of construction and in many projects can be a low cost alternate to or foundation for conventional reinforced concrete. The...

Construction of Middle Fork Dam
Recently there has been increased interest in roller compacted concrete (RCC) for use in dams. However, to date there has been very little practical experience in construction. Middle...

Construction of Recent RCD-Concrete Dam Projects in Japan
The Japanese Ministry of Construction has organized a committee which has been promoting research concerning rationalized concrete dam construction. A part of this research is the work...

Upper Stillwater Dam Construction Program
Utilizing both proven and innovative construction techniques, equipment, and design concepts, Tyger Construction Company Inc. , located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, has undertaken the...

Economic Considerations in Selection of a Roller Compacted Concrete Dam
Roller compacted concrete (RCC) has recently emerged as an economically attractive material for gravity dam construction, replacing the use of conventional concrete and even challenging...

USBR Design Considerations for Roller Compacted Concrete Dams
Current Bureau design criteria for concrete dams are based on analytical methods developed and improved over the years, evaluation of construction methods and post construction materials...

Underground Building Reclaims a Landfill
Oregon's Multnomah County built a road and maintenance facility underground to begin reclaiming an old landfill site. More than 600 precast concrete components make up the...

River Lock Rehab: A Winter's Tale
Lock & Dam �1 on the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and St. Paul had deteriorated badly but the U.S. Corps of Engineers determined that replacement with a new structure...

Repair�Don't Replace�Cracked Sewer Pipe
Approximately 0.5 mile (0.8 km) of 42 in. (1,07 m) diameter reinforced concrete was installed for a sanitary sewer project when the on site inspector discovered that numerous joints had...

A Look at the New ACI Concrete Code
Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-83) is discussed in terms of three major changes: limitations on chlorides, especially in aggregates, that affect durability;...

LAX Takes Flight for the 1984 Olympics
LAX (the Los Angeles airport) had over two dozen contractors working on site to complete their $700 million improvement plan in time for the Olympics in July. They also came up with several...

Performance of Water and Sewer Lifelines in the May 2, 1983 Coalinga, California Earthquake
Water supply and filtration systems for the City of Coalinga suffered little damage. The water transmission system suffered five breaks. The urban distribution system was disrupted, but...

Water Supply
The Foothills Project adds 125 mgd (5.5 m�/s) to the Denver area water treatment capacity, and saved approximately $1 million in energy costs in the first year of its operation. The $163...





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