Developments in Risk Analysis Commercial Software
There has been a marked increase in the number and type of commercial software packages available to support risk and uncertainty analysis. Monte Carlo simulations, the first such tool,...

Uncertainty versus Computer Response Time
Interactive on-line presentation of risk analysis results with immediate `what if' capability is now possible with available microcomputer technology. This can provide an effective means...

Risk Simulation Model for Rehabilitation Studies
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is required to analyze major rehabilitation proposals for all facilities using risk-based benefit-cost analysis techniques. Existing spreadsheet-based...

Climate Warming and Great Lakes Management
A decision-analysis approach to determining the relevance of information on climate change for near-term Great Lakes management decisions is outlined. Simplified applications to decisions...

Federal Risk Management Policy: Where Is the Federal Government Heading? Where Are the Problems?
The paper summarizes the first session of the conference which discussed the present state and problems of federal risk management policy. Topics discussed include efficacy of models on...

Risk and Reliability of Water Resources Infrastructure and Engineering Approaches to Risk and Reliability Analysis
The paper summarizes the second session of the conference which discussed the risk and reliability of water resources infrastructure as well as engineering approaches to risk and reliability...

Behavioral, Social, and Institutional Aspects of Risk Analysis
The paper summarizes the third session of the conference which discussed four items that become pitfalls for decision makers when neglected. These are parameter uncertainties as distinct...

Risk Management Strategies for Natural, Manmade, and Technological Hazards
The sixth session featured three important applications of risk and reliability analysis in water resources planning. Papers were presented on incentives to use reliability and risk analysis...

Computer Software for Risk Analysis
The seventh session was directed toward computer software that is designed for use in various aspects of risk analysis. The papers presented discussed the following: application of user-friendly...

Climate Change
The wide range of predictions from global climate models most often encourages a wait-and-see approach. These uncertainties and a trust that conventional policy is sufficient to accommodate...

Meeting 503 Regulations for Ten Biosolids Incinerators (And Associated Stories)
This paper provides an overview of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District's Part 503 regulations compliance program regarding incineration of biosolids at five of its treatment facilities....

Beneficial Use of Ash: An Innovative Approach to Sludge Management
Disposal of ash resulting from the incineration of municipal sewage sludge has historically been a relatively easy, albeit, expensive requirement. The traditional method of disposal is...

Sensitized Photooxidation of Dissolved Sulfides in Water
The ability of methylene blue (MB) and riboflavin (RF) to sensitize dissolved sulfides for photooxidation was investigated. Both MB and RF were found to be effective sensitizers for the...

A Coupled Mass Transfer and Surface Complexation Model for Uranium (VI) Removal from Wastewaters
A remediation technique has been developed for removing uranium (VI) from complex contaminated groundwater using flake chitin as a biosorbent in batch and continuous flow configurations....

Achieving Adequate BMP's for Stormwater Quality Management
There is considerable controversy about the technical appropriateness and the cost-effectiveness of requiring cities to control contaminants in urban stormwater discharges to meet state...

Miami International Airport Stormwater NPDES Plan
Miami International Airport (MIA) is endeavoring to essentially double its traffic volume by the turn of the century. This is a great challenge since the site is already highly developed....

Arsenic Removal Via Softening
The removal of arsenic during softening was investigated using synthetic solutions. Arsenic removal is facilitated by formation of a variety of solids including Mg(OH)2,...

Development of a Model for the ABF/AS Process
A modelling approach has been established for the activated biofiltration/activated sludge (ABF/AS) process. This approach indicates that ABF/AS systems can be considered as a variation...

Biodegradation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene in a Two Stage System
An anaerobic/anoxic fluidized-bed GAC bioreactor in series with an activated sludge reactor was used to treat 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT). A simulated high strength wastewater solution...

NCASI Experiment Related to Validation of Equilibrium Partitioning (EP) Theory
A review of NCASI's technical studies related to evaluating equilibrium partitioning (EP) theory as it is commonly applied in regulatory setting is presented. Although interim results...





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