Suspended Sediment Model of Offshore Tin Mining
The three dimensional dispersion equation is integrated vertically to use in describing the suspension of silt from offshore tin mining. The resulting two dimensional equation includes...

Flow Modeling in the Toutle River, Washington
In support of flow, suspended load, bed load, and bedform transport measurements, a quasi-three-dimensional river flow model was adapted to a reach extending from 260m upstream to 30m...

Limitations of Modeling High Concentration Streams
Following the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, high sediment concentrations caused rapid deposition and increased flood hazards along the Cowlitz River. The Corps of Engineers developed...

Mechanics of Mud Flows in Curved Channels with Uneven Beds
Most natural debris flows move through paths that are curved and that have significant bed topography. Owing to the dependence of the mechanics of wet debris containing substantial amounts...

Selective Erosion: A Key Problem in Numerical Modelling of River-bed Changes
In capacity-controlled sediment transport of alluvial rivers the so-called 'hiding factor' determines the stability of the various grain-size fractions. The paper...

Relationship Between Channel Migration and Radius of Curvature on the Red River
The system behavior of meanders was investigated on the Red River between Shreveport, LA, and Index, AR. The effects of plan form geometry (r/w) and erodibility of bank material on the...

The Computation of Total Sediment Transport in View of Changed Input Parameters
The sediment transport phenomenon is one of the most difficult fields in water research. Due to the numerous parameters and various interactions among them several theoretical-empirical...

Simulating Long-Term Sedimentation Trends on the Lower Mississippi River
A one-dimensional numerical model was used to determine long-term aggradation and degradation trends in the lower Mississippi River. Geometry in the model came from hydrographic surveys....

On the Selection of Sediment Transport Equations
Certain aspects of the selection of equations to use in the calculation of sediment transport in streams are examined in this paper. The use of a critical discharge is examined and problems...

Convolution-Integral Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport
In transient process of sediment transport due to unsteady or/and nonuniform flow or discontinuity of boundary condition, non-equilibrium process appears and it sometimes plays an important...

Two Dimensional Nonequilibrium Transport of Nonuniform Sediment
Mathematical models based on diffusion and/or diffusion convection equations have been widely applied to study sediment transport in suspension. Some of the studies were reported by C.C....

On the Coexistence of Bedload and Suspended Transport for a Uniform Grainsize Material
A sensitivity analysis and an experimental verification have been made to assess the validity of the equations that describe the sediment transport in non-equilibrium conditions, when...

Sediment Transport Rate for Non-uniform Sand
Based on the equations of bedload transport by authors, the functional relation of total sediment transport capacity of flow has been found. The modifying coefficient due to non-uniformity...

Bank Failure and Erosion on the Illinois Waterway
In 1988, bank failure and erosion on the Illinois Waterway were evaluated. Banks were inspected from the air and from a motor vessel; thirty-one sites were examined in detail. Severe erosion...

Stream Bank Erosion and Bed Evolution Model
The graded sediment routing and stream bed evolution model of D.K. Borah, C.V. Alonso and S.N. Prasad is expanded by combining with a riverbank erosion model developed by Osman and Thorne....

Sediment Transport Due to Channel Flushing
Blocking of rivers and canals by sediment due to landslides or dumping of waste create problems of upstream flooding and drainage. Experiments are carried out in the present study on flushing...

River Training Works in Gezhouba Project on the Yangtze
A great number of research results of the river regime planning and river training work in Gezhouba Project on the Yangtze are described together with their application in the Project....

Sediment Transport Modeling Considerations
In addition to understanding the theory and concepts of mathematical modeling, the engineer or scientist must also have knowledge of the river to be studied, the available data, and the...

Daily Suspended Sediment Model for Water Resources Management
A daily model of streamflow and suspended sediment (SS) concentrations has been developed to analyze daily suspended sediment records from tributary basins. The model provides a method...

Background and Applications of Fluvial-12
The computer program FLUVIAL-12 is formulated and developed for water and sediment routing in alluvial channels. The combined effects of flow hydraulics, sediment transport and river channel...





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