Flow and Transport Around a Noncontinuous Horizontal Layer at Yucca Mountain
Computer simulations were used to examine the effect of a noncontinuous horizontal layer on the flow field and contaminant transport of a simplified conceptual model. The domain consisted...

Unsaturated Flow Through a Variable Aperture Fracture in Topopah Spring Welded Tuff
The role of fractures in unsaturated flow through welded and nonwelded tuffaceous rocks is a fundamental question being addressed in performance assessment activities for the Yucca Mountain...

Transportation of Radioactive Materials Routing Analysis: The Nevada Experience
In 1987, the Nevada State Legislature passed a Bill requiring the Nevada Department of Transportation to develop and enforce a plan for highway routing of highway route controlled quantity...

Durability, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Experimental Glass-Ceramic Forms for Immobilizing ICPP High Level Waste
The high-level liquid waste generated at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP) is routinely solidified into granular calcined high-level waste (HLW) and stored onsite. A research...

Mechanistic Interpretation of Glass Reaction: Input to Kinetic Model Development
Actinide-doped SRL 165 type glass was reacted in J-13 groundwater at 90?C for times up to 278 days. The reaction was characterized by both solution and solid analyses. The glass was seen...

Exclusion of Foreign Materials from the Savannah River Site (SRS) Canistered Waste Forms: Characterization of the Gas within the Free Volume
Glass-filled canisters, produced at the SRS Defense Waste Processing facility, must meet the Waste Acceptance Preliminary Specifications (WAPS) developed by DOE's Office of...

Analysis of Solute Transport in an Intermediate-Scale Unsaturated Flow Experiment
A simplified stochastic model was derived and applied to two unsaturated flow experiments conducted in an intermediate-scale caisson. Parameters for the flow and transport models were...

Modelling Studies for the Assessment of the Advanced Cold Process Canister
The Advanced Cold Process Canister (ACPC) is a new concept for the encapsulation of spent nuclear fuel for geological disposal. It consists of steel canister encased in a copper overpack....

A Model for Effective Intergovernmental Planning
Effective intergovernmental planning processes are essential to the resolution of potential affects created by federal projects. In this paper, two successful planning efforts are described....

Validation of Source-Term Models Using Natural Analogues
A comparison is made between the predicted distribution of copper calculated by the AREST source-term code and the measured profiles for copper surrounding a bronze cannon that was emplaced...

MARNIE, a Near Field Transport Model for Radioactive Waste Repositories
The long term safety of a final repository for radioactive waste disposal has to be demonstrated. A number of scenarios can be postulated that could lead to a considerable release of radionuclides...

Risk Assessments for the Design of Subsurface Openings
A probabilistic approach was introduced to assess the risk of structural instability due to rock joint systems in rock mass, where subsurface openings are excavated, such openings as shafts,...

Conclusions from Project-90 With Regard to a Regulatory Framework
A five year performance assessment program, Project-90 [1], has been concluded by the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, SKI. The project was defined to develop independent assessment...

CALIBRE and CRYSTAL: Near-field and Geosphere Models for Project-90
A new near-field model (CALIBRE) and a fractured geosphere model (CRYSTAL) have been developed in support of the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate's Project-90 safety assessment...

Three-Dimensional Groundwater Flow Modelling for a Potential Repository Site
In Finland site investigations are carried out at five places in order to find a suitable site in the Finnish bedrock for a repository for spent nuclear fuel. The aim is to model the bedrock...

Estimating Geochemical Behavior of Cocnretes to be Placed at Yucca Mountain
The interactions of J-13 water with cementitious materials were examined at 25?C using the geochemical code EQ3NR/EQ6. Results of the modeling suggested the following conclusions: (1)...

Assessing Impacts on Biological Resources from Site Characterization Activities of the Yucca Mountain Project
An integrated impact assessment program was developed to monitor the possible effects of Site Characterization Activities (SCA) on the biological resources of the Yucca Mountain area....

Toward Linking Demographic and Economic Models for Impact Assessment
One of the objectives of the Yucca Mountain Project, in Southern Nevada, is to evaluate the effects of the development of a high-level nuclear waste repository. As described in the Section...

Site-Generic Approach for Performance Assessment of HLW Disposal System in Japan
This paper presents an overview of the preliminary performance analyses and description of R&D activities designed based upon the results of the analyses, which are to be incorporated...

A Prototype of the Uniform Building Code Using Hypertext
The earthquake section of the Uniform Building Code has been implemented using the hypertext technology. The information was broken down into many interrelated nodes. Figures were scanned...





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