Effects of Mining, Grazing, and Roads on Sediment and Water Chemistry in Birch Creek, Nevada
Assessment of the cumulative effects of mining and other land uses on water quality of Birch Creek showed that mine dumps and roads increased fine sediment deposits in some reaches. Fines...
Watershed Condition and Riparian Health: Linkages
This paper discusses linkages between riparian areas and their contributing watersheds and how using this knowledge will enhance overall watershed management success. The paper presents...
Watershed Planning in Western Pennsylvania?A Case Study
This paper presents and describes the watershed planning activities being pursued in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The regulatory, institutional, and technical framework of the planning...
Comprehensive Watershed Management Planning?A Case Study - The Magothy River
As a means of preserving and improving the water resources of Anne Arundel County in the State of Maryland, the County government undertook a comprehensive watershed management program....
Evaluating Spring Flow Trends at Pipe Spring National Monument and Vicinity, Arizona
A study conducted by the National Park Service Water Resources Division is resolving if ground water pumping is causing spring flow declines at Pipe Spring National Monument (PISP). Ground...
Supplemental Irrigation by Runoff Farming: An Economic Assessment
A simulation model was used to evaluate the economic potential for using runoff farming techniques for growing grain sorghum at two locations in Texas. The results show that the yearly...
Land Management and Water Yield in the Appalachians
Watershed treatments on the Fernow Experimental Forest have included individual tree selection, commercial clearcutting, clearcutting upper and lower halves of watersheds, clearcutting...
Biodiversity in Riparian Communities and Watershed Management
Riparian communities are demonstrated to be regional centers of biodiversity and biomass. Examples are taken primarily from bird and lizard communities in the Southwest, since these vertebrates...
Stream Bank Stability Prediction for C6 Stream Type Reconstruction
A hydraulic model investigation will be conducted to evaluate the effects of root system characteristics of three meadow plant communities on simulated bank erosion. The test will determine...
Demonstration of Watershed Management Effectiveness in Sediment Control Using Comprehensive Watershed Modeling
The Arroyo Pasajero, which drains a 500-square mile watershed in the Coastal Range of California, flows into the San Joaquin Valley, intersecting the San Luis Canal section of the California...
Modeling Erosion and Effects of Agricultural BMP's on a West Tennessee Watershed
The application of Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF) to nonpoint source data was examined. The model is used to determine the effects of land management practices upon surface...
ROTO?A Continuous Water and Sediment Routing Model
A model called ROTO was developed to estimate water and sediment yields on large basins (several thousand square miles). ROTO is a continuous model operating on a daily time step that...
Neutron Physics Considerations in Moisture Probe Design
Neutron physics can be used to characterize most of the know behavior of neutrons in the soil. Scattering, absorption and slowing down are the principal processes affecting moisture probe...
Factors Affecting Neutron Gauge Calibration
Neutron gauge characteristics and soil chemistry affect gauge calibration. External factors also influence gauge calibration and should be considered in the calibration procedure. Gauge...
Access Tube Characteristics and Neutron Meter Calibration
Neutron meter calibration was found to be influenced by material type, thickness and size of access tube. Meter counts were decreased by an average of 15% for a 20% increase in tube diameter...
Relationship of Soil Type and Chemicals to the Calibration of Neutron Meters
Theory of neutron scattering and moderation in matter explains many of the characteristics of calibration curves of neutron moisture probes. Characteristics include effect of atomic species...
Sprinkler System Design for Frost Protection
Both undertree and overtree systems for frost protection by sprinkling are currently being used. The criteria based on experimental results and theoretical modeling have been reviewed...
Infiltration or Roughness from Surface Irrigation Advance
Over the past several decades, a significant effort has gone into the development of mathematical models of water flow over the soil surface. Significant progress has been made in prediction...
Rehabilitation and Modernization of Irrigation Projects is Often a Cover-up for Poor Quality Construction and Maintenance
Decreasing land and water resources available for irrigation projects is placing greater empasis on rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation projects. Inferior quality of the initial...
Understanding Delivery Performance Before Rehabilitation
In the initial stages of project formulation, decisions are made regarding the method for allocating water, and the method for physically distributing water. Any major rehabilitation effort...
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