Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Applied to Hydrologic Modeling
Recent advances in microwave remote sensing have demonstrated the ability to measure soil moisture under a variety of topographic and vegetation cover conditions; however, its application...
SLURP: A Watershed Model for Satellite Data
A study is being conducted to determine the utility of satellite data for hydrologic modelling in different physiographic and climatic zones of Canada. As part of that study, a simple...
An Application of Remote Sensing to Distributed Hydrologic Simulation
Hydrologic processes affecting flood flows occur primarily at the surface of the earth. Furthermore, the role of vegetation on the hydrologic response is very important in flood flow forecasting....
Glacial Icemelt in the Wind River Range, Wyoming
The Wind River Range of Wyoming contains the greatest concentration of glaciers in the American Rocky Mountains with two of the larger glaciers being Dinwoody and Gannett Glaciers. This...
Chaotic Characteristics of Snowmelt Runoff: A Preliminary Study
Chaos, the study of nonlinear dynamic systems, offers a way of observing order in systems previously thought to be random. In this study, we analyze snowmelt runoff from a small watershed...
Possible Climate Change and Its Impact on Snowmelt and Water Supply in California
Global climate modelers are forecasting relatively large future climate change, with warming of 2 to 5?C. These changes, if they do occur, would have major impacts on California's...
Snow Fencing to Increase Streamflow on Rangelands
Snow deposition and water yield were increased 55% and 127% respectively, and duration of surface runoff was lengthened 17 days in response to snow fencing a sagebrush-covered watershed...
Method to Predict Cropland Ephemeral Gully Erosion
Erosion of farmlands due to concentrate flow is very severe on many unprotected fields across the county. Small channels can you in large gullies of not controlled. These small channels...
Application of RUSLE to Rangelands
The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) has been revised to more accurately estimate soil loss from both crop and rangeland areas. Major revisions affecting rangeland soil loss estimates...
Simulating Runoff and Sediment Yield on Semiarid Watersheds
This paper describes a computer program called WESP (Watershed Erosion Simulation Program), a physically-based, distributed parameter, event-oriented, one-dimensional numerical model for...
Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Watershed Model: Hydrologic and Erosion Calculations
The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) watershed model is a distributed continuous simulation model developed to compute the spatial and temporal distribution of erosion and deposition...
Assessing Nonpoint Pollution Potential of Surface Waters Using a Geographic Information System
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to determine the susceptibility of surface waters to nonpoint pollution is described. The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS)...
Utility of a GIS in Watershed Management?A Case Study
A geographic information system data base was established for a small watershed in Shelby County, Tennessee, for both surface and subsurface water attributes. The surface water portion...
An Integrated GIS and Model for Assisting the Managers of an Army Training Area
The ARC/INFO geographic information system (GIS) has been combined with the ARX spatial expert system and the SMSP soil moisture-soil strength model to assist the managers of a major training...
Environmental Compliance and River Maintenance on Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico
River maintenance activities within the boundaries of the Santo Domingo Pueblo on the Rio Grande have departed from the traditional channelization philosophy and employed engineering methodologies...
Effects of Water Erosion Processes on Drainage and Irrigation Systems
This study examines the relationship between geomorphic processes and drainage/irrigation projects. It illustrates the method of geomorphic analysis by the study of a drainage project...
Morphology and Roughness in the Hydraulics of Large Bed Element Channels
The evolution of natural steep channels is a function of two factors in accordance with the principle of least action: flow distribution in the channel and terrain geomorphology. Large...
A Comparison of Runoff and Sediment Yields from Bare and Vegetated Plots Using Rainfall Simulation
Data from 108 small plot rainfall simulator experiments on pinyon-juniper woodlands in Arizona and New Mexico were analyzed to determine quantifiable effects of cover on hydrologic and...
Effects of Surface Drainage on Sediment Yield in Southern Delaware
Sediment surveys were conducted over a period of 16 years on two small reservoirs in the Nanticoke River basin, Delware in order to assess the effects of watershed drainage projects on...
Sediment Production from Forest Roads with Wheel Ruts
Artificial rainfall was applied to two sets of paired plots 30.5 m long by 1.52 m wide, each set on a different soil type. One plot in each set contained a wheel rut while the other did...
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