Public Private Joint Development Partnership San Diego MTS/James R. Mills Building Project Success Through Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
The MTS/James R. Mills Building Project provides a regional transportation center for downtown San Diego, where San Diego's three light rail transit (trolley) lines and several...

Allied Junction/Secaucus Transfer Station?A Private/Public Partnership
This paper describes the background behind the development of the Allied Junction/Secaucus Transfer Station project, the improvements to the New Jersey TRANSIT rail network in Northern...

An Example of Privately Funded Project
The paper discusses the proposal of the Syndicat des Transports Parisiens, the local authority in charge of Public Transports in the Paris region, to ask private firms to implement without...

Creating the Proper Environment: The Consultant's Role in the Privatization of Public Transportation Projects
The consultant can provide input for the development of political consensus for individual projects by providing technical support, accurate costs, realistic schedules, and experience...

Privatization of Transportation?The Risks Associated with Operation
Privatization is mainly characterized through: a new distribution of technical and financial responsibilities between public authorities and private partners, potentially profit-generating...

The Chicago-Kansas City Tollway: Lessons for Future Projects and Policy
The paper discusses an innovative mixed public-private financing plan and implementation plan for an investor-owned toll road connecting Chicago and Kansas City. The two plans utilize...

Public/Private Participation in Transportation in Jacksonville, Florida
A discussion of the status of public/private participation in development and transportation projects in Jacksonville, Florida. The special efforts to encourage downtown redevelopment,...

Survival Strategies for Major Projects
This paper examines factors affecting implementation of two categories of transportation projects - retrofits and growth leaders. Retrofits involve expansion or rehabilitation of existing...

Northumberland Strait Crossing Project?A Public-Private Venture
This major project has challenged the Canadian Government to produce innovative requirements in environmental planning, financing and security, and facility performance. It requires a...

The Las Colinas Area Personal Transit System: A Public/Private Partnership
This paper presents an overview of the development of the Las Colinas Area Personal Transit (APT) System, identifying the key aspects of the APT Project related to a public/private partnership....

Translating Bridge Tolls to a New Bridge: The Third Dartford River Crossing
In March 1986, the Department of Transport of the United Kingdom Government published Guidelines inviting promoters for the submission of private sector bids for the design, construction...

Water Resources: How Do We Slice the Pie?
New and better ways must be found to: reduce water consumption; preserve environmental values; conserve and protect existing water supplies; use surface and ground water conjunctively;...

Characteristics of Flood-Producing Rainstorms in the Midwest
At the Midwestern Climate Center, a comprehensive re-evaluation and updating of heavy rainstorm frequency relations for 9 Midwestern states is in progress. A special effort is being made...

A Method for Estimating Peak Flows from Small Agricultural Watersheds
An attempt was made to develop a method for estimating peak runoff from agricultural watersheds by analyzing precipitation and runoff data, and incorporating the results into a procedure...

Climate Change and Resulting Hydrologic Response: Illinois River Basin
In the last 20 years, the northern half of the Illinois River basin has been experiencing a wetter and cooler climate. This climate change has significantly increased Illinois River flows...

Raingage Network Resolution With Spatial Statistics
Spatial and temporal resolution of rainfall are studied using cross-correlation techniques. The cross-correlation coefficient is used in a semi-variogram type analysis to determine the...

Impact of Urbanization on Main Stream Flooding
The methodology, results and management implications of a stormwater study at an urban watershed experiencing increasing episodes of flooding along the main channel and flood plain are...

Finite Element Analysis of Hillslope Variations in Surface Runoff
Watershed management decisions are aided through an accurate understanding of hydrologic processes. The finite element method applied to surface runoff with spatially variable hydraulic...

Asymptotic Determination of Curve Numbers from Rainfall?Runoff Data
Background, general instructions, and examples are given for determining Runoff Curve Numbers (CN) from small watershed event rainfall and direct runoff data sets. In order to preserve...

Rangeland Evaluation of WEPP Hydrology
The hydrology component of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) utilizes the W.H. Green and G.A. Ampt infiltration equation to simulate the rate and volume of excess rainfall. Excess...





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