Federal Risk Management Policy: Where Is the Federal Government Heading? Where Are the Problems?
The paper summarizes the first session of the conference which discussed the present state and problems of federal risk management policy. Topics discussed include efficacy of models on...

Risk and Reliability of Water Resources Infrastructure and Engineering Approaches to Risk and Reliability Analysis
The paper summarizes the second session of the conference which discussed the risk and reliability of water resources infrastructure as well as engineering approaches to risk and reliability...

Risk Management Strategies for Natural, Manmade, and Technological Hazards
The paper summarizes the fourth session of the conference which discussed risk assessment approaches in bio/chemical hazards; specific studies on people's behavior and views of natural...

Risk Management Strategies for Natural, Manmade, and Technological Hazards
The sixth session featured three important applications of risk and reliability analysis in water resources planning. Papers were presented on incentives to use reliability and risk analysis...

Immiscible Organic Liquid Recovery Using Unconfined Membranes
Hydrophobic hollow fiber micropourous membranes have been characterized and applied to the problem of separating and recovering low density hydrocarbons from water surfaces. The merits...

A Study of Alkalinity Leaching and Residual Strength of Alkaline Stabilized Sludge
The addition of sufficient amounts of quicklime or other alkaline earth oxides to dewatered sludge raises both the pH and temperature of the sludge, resulting in microbial inactivation....

Application of Numerical Models in the Design of Clarifiers
In this study, a numerical model of a circular clarifier was applied to reveal the effects of the water depth on the hydraulic and removal efficiency. The velocity and solids concentration...

Recovery of Chromium from Spent Plating Solutions by a Chromyl Chloride Process
A novel chromyl chloride process has been investigated for the recovery of hexavalent chromium from spent plating solutions. In this process chromium is converted to chromyl chloride by...

A Coupled Mass Transfer and Surface Complexation Model for Uranium (VI) Removal from Wastewaters
A remediation technique has been developed for removing uranium (VI) from complex contaminated groundwater using flake chitin as a biosorbent in batch and continuous flow configurations....

Optimization Studies of Anaerobic Expanded Bed Reactor Pretreatment of Domestic Wastewater
In recent years the advent of the anaerobic expanded bed reactor (AEBR) has made possible the treatment of wastewaters of comparatively lower strength than have traditionally been treated...

Modeling of Chemical Inhibition of Nitrification
This work contains two quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) modeling chemical inhibition of nitrification, one for heterocyclic compounds and one for acetylenic materials....

Assessing the Reliability of Low Pressure Membrane Systems for Microbial Removal
Low pressure membrane systems are used for microorganisms control in water treatment processes. In this article, the efficiency and reliability of this process is evaluated. Microorganism...

Computer simulation of pulsed pumping for remediation under mass transfer limited conditions
The article presents the computer simulation of choosing the right time periods for interruption and pumping in the pulsed pumping process. It will calculate a set of criteria under mass...

Modeling of Biofiltration of Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water Treatment
A multi-substrate model of the biofiltration of natural organic matter in drinking water was developed and successfully applied. This model assumes that biofiltration is a two-step process...

Trihalomethanes in Chlorinated Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Drinking Water Simulated with the EPA WTP-THM Model
Trihalomethane (THM) concentrations at a representative water treatment plant simulated with the EPA Water Treatment Plant THM (WTP-THM) model were used to assess potential drinking water...

Quantification of the Mechanisms Controlling the Removal Rate of Volatile Contaminants by Air Sparging
Air sparging is a technology for removing dissolved and volatile phase chemicals (VOCs) from the saturated zone. It is used in conjunction with soil vapor extraction (SVE) and sometimes...

A 2D numerical simulation of the Po river delta flow
A numerical simulation of the steady flow in the proximity of the delta of the Po river has been carried out. We consider the 2D quasi-hydrostatic model, approximating non conservation...

An Adaptive Nine-Point Finite Volume Roe Scheme for Two-Dimensional Saint-Venant Equations
The system of Saint Venant equations is considered numerically. A Roe approximate solver coupled to a nine-point finite volume spatial discretization is introduced at the same time as...

Plain flooding: near field and far field simulations
The paper deals with the problems met in the attempt of simulating the plain submersion produced by a levee breaking in the inertia dominated region (near field), scaling with the typical...

2D Finite Element Modelling of Flooding Due to River Bank Collapse
To compute the flood propagation over an initially dry area a new set of 2D equations has been recently proposed which accounts for the ground unevenness effects. The paper presents a...





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