Scour in Non-Cohesive Beds at Culvert Outlets
An empirical relationship was developed to estimate the depth of scour in non-cohesive material at culvert outlets. The scour depth is expressed as a function of mean particle size of...

Maximum Scour Below Dams Caused by Over-Fall Flow
The scour of sediment below a check dam caused by over-fall flow will lead to the destruction of dams. The formation of the scour hole below the dam will lead to shorten the seepage lines,...

Bed Sediments and Bed Forms of the Lower Mississippi River
Approximately 500 bed material samples were collected from the thalweg of the Lower Mississippi River. At each sample location, a sonic record of the bed was obtained. From the appearance...

Characteristic Deformation of Alternate Bars Due to Low Flow
Experiments on the formation of a small meander-channel at low stage are conducted by supplying a proper discharge on initial bed of alternate bars that have been formed in experimental...

Sediment Concentration Measurements Below Small Headcuts
This study is designed to determine erosion rates downstream from a small headcut. The sediment concentration from a scour hole produced by a plunging jet is measured as a function of...

Pressure and Stress Distributions Due to a Submerged Impinging Jet
This investigation examines the pressure and shear stress distribution at a smooth planar boundary in the impingement region of a submerged vertical jet in water. The mean pressure and...

The Effect of Aeration on Scour
A vertical water jet was used to study the effects of entrained air, tailwater depth, size of bed material, jet diameter, and jet velocity on scour. Small amounts of entrained air were...

The Calculation of Flushing Flows for Gravel and Cobble Bed Rivers
Flushing flows are needed to remove fines and sand from a gravel or cobble bed river. A natural stream will have periodic high flows adequate for flushing of fines and sand, but the hydraulic...

Secondary-Flow Correction for Depth-Averaged Numerical Models
An empirical equation is proposed for the production and transport of secondary (streamwise) vorticity induced by lateral curvature in shallow water. The streamwise vorticity creates a...

Application of Weakly Compressible Flow Method to 2-D Open Channel Flows
The depth averaged equations for open channel flows are shown to be similar to that of the weakly compressible flows. The finite volume scheme developed for weakly compressible flows has...

River Sediment Discharge Study?San Diego Region
Procedures and general results are presented of a recent study performed to estimate the average annual sediment delivery (sand sizes and larger) from sources discharging to the southern...

Geomorphic and Sedimentologic Evaluation of a Proposed Flood Control Project, Truckee River, Reno, Nevada
Geomorphic observations, sediment data and shear stress analyses were integrated to evaluate the potential responses of the steep, coarse grained Truckee River to a proposed flood control...

Major Sedimentation Activities in the Soil Conservation Service
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Soil Conservation Service (SCS) are cooperating in the development of tools to improve prediction of the magnitude of erosion processes, the...

Sediment and Aquatic Habitat Associations in River Systems
This paper results from the Task Committee's effort to summarize knowledge linking sediment transport and aquatic ecology. This paper presents one element of this work: the...

Sediment Transport, Hydraulic Retention Devices, and Aquatic Habitat in Sand-Bed Channels
Streams and rivers of all sizes and in all parts of the United States flow on sand-bed channels. Scour, Transport, and deposition of sediments particles are natural processes in these...

Delineation of Ordinary High Water
'Ordinary high water' is used in a court of law to delineate the extent of land ownership of adjacent riparian owners on navigable rivers. The most appropriate...

Sacramento's Proactive Stormwater Permit Program
In January 1990, with the encouragement and assistance of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region (Regional Board), the City and County of Sacramento,...

Instability of Water-Fluid Mud Interface
Erosion and entrainment of fluid mud are treated by means of shear flow analysis. The water-fluid mud system is considered as a layered system of two continua separated by a distinct interface...

Slurry Removal From a 2-D Fluidized Region
A two-dimensional fluidization experiment is performed on fine sand with a 5.08 cm diameter source pipe with horizontally opposed orifices, 0.317 cm in diameter, spaced 5.08 cm. Slurry...

Landfill Liner Quality
Landfill liners are being made with new synthetic materials, materials which may be beyond the knowledge of the engineer in charge of the landfill construction project. Engineers need...





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