Water Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture
This paper looks at irrigated agriculture in the West in light of the current circumstances, with particular reference to water conservation. It illustrates the need for expanding the...

Demand Management and Urban Water Supply Planning
During the past twenty years, the social sciences research has been translated into new methods and techniques of analysis which enable planners to evaluate the role of demand management...

Water Resources Management and Structural Change in Rural Australia
Water policies in Australia are undergoing fundamental change marked by a switch in emphasis from development of further sources of water to management of available supplies. Quite apart...

Water Rights Issues
The paper focuses primarily on the fragmented legal rights to water in the hydrologic cycle, with conjunctive use and management of interconnected water resources and with some conflicting...

Assessment of the Role of the Social Sciences in Water Planning and Management: Legal Systems and their Impediments to Change
Water resource planners and managers may not be able to do what they believe essential, or at least useful, to sound water management because the action would violate the federal constitution...

The Role of Social Sciences in the Management of Surface Water Quality in the United States
This survey paper concentrates on what social science has to say about surface water quality management. Some comments are also made on the historical development of these analytical capabilities....

Alternatives to the Precommensuration of Costs, Benefits, Risks, and Time
The thesis advanced in this paper is that benefit-cost analysis, the present-value-of-cost (and benefit) approach, and the expected value of damage as a measure of risk all share a faulty...

River Basin Management
Institutional arrangements for watershed and basin management are diverse in form and pragmatic in approach. Over the years, they have reflected the status of American federalism and do...

The Role of Social Sciences in Putting People Into Federal Water Resources Project Planning and Evaluation
While great attention has been given to the importance of engineering, economic, and, recently, environmental factors, the need for consideration of the social impacts of projects and...

The Role of Water Marketing in Water Allocation: A Case Study
The paper covers in some detail a specific example of water allocation, the El Paso, Texas area, to analyze what appears to be a good opportunity for successful application of water marketing,...

Application of Social Science Research Products in Urban Water Resources Planning
Phoenix was spurred to action in 1981 because of the projected depletion of one of its surface water supplies by the summer of 1982. In addressing the projected near-term crisis, it quickly...

The Application of Social Science Analyses to the Problem of Urban Drought
Past drought experiences have shown that extra storage capacity does not necessarily ensure against economic losses related to droughts. Since managers of water systems do not know the...

The Development of Metropolitan Water Markets: Seattle, Washington 1887-1987
This paper applies the case-study approach to examine the development of metropolitan water markets and its implications for central city and suburban water districts. The greater Seattle,...

Calibration of Water-Velocity Meters
The U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, as part of its responsibility to appraise the quantity of water resources in the United States, maintains facilities for the calibration...

The Bureau of Reclamation in Transition
Recognizing and responding to the changing climate in water resources, the Bureau of Reclamation recently launched a massive effort to redirect the agency's traditional mission....

The Changing Role of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau's reorganization will enable it to more effectively and efficiently meet changing water resources needs in the western states. The new role of the Bureau is particularly...

Probabilistic Maintenance Opportunities
The Bureau of Reclamation has instituted a number of operation and maintenance oversight activities to ensure that Reclamation and water-user operated projects are operated and maintained...

Hydrograph Timebase
Based on the study of a large number of hydrographs, a graphic solution is presented whereby the length of the hydrograph timebase can be directly read from the proposed graphic solution...

Kissimmee River: Engineering Approaches for Restoration
The Kissimmee River, located in central Florida, was channelized for flood control during the 1960s. Movements by environmental interest groups have produced strong sentiment to restore...

Hydrodynamic Modeling of Shallow Lagoons and Lakes
There exist many shallow lagoons and lakes in Florida. With an average depth of 3 meters or less, circulation and transport within these water bodies are significantly influenced by the...





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