Marketing a Public-Private Small Scale Hydro Project: Case History, Kent County, Michigan
In 1982, Kent County, Michigan faced an interesting dilemma. Back in 1965, they had purchased the Fallasburg Dam and powerhouse from Consumers Power Company for 1. Without putting funds...
Reclaiming the Uncompleted Project of Another Development A-Case Study
This paper will examine the problems encountered when a second organization assumes control of a project from an earlier developer that could not carry the project through to completion....
Staged Water Resource Development Can Improve Economics and Advance Project Implementation
This paper provides reasons for staging, and describes functional types of staged developments, and planning and evaluation of these developments. Many water resources projects can be...
Market Projections for the Hydroelectric Industry
The hydroelectric industry enjoyed a rapid rate of development from 1980 through 1986. This expansion was fed in part by a combination of tax incentives, the PURPA legislation, and high...
An Approach to Addressing Interactive Effects of Multiple Hydro Projects in a River Basin
Cumulative effects issues continue to arise, not only related to multiple small hydro projects, but also to multiple relicensing of major projects, development of multiple projects at...
Cumulative Impact Assessment: Issues to Consider in Selecting a Cumulative Assessment Method
Because widespread interest in the subject is new, there are no standard or generally recognized methods for cumulative impact assessment. A method should include procedures for (1) evaluating...
Cumulative Impact Assessment: Application of a Methodology
The authors expanded upon the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Cluster Impact Assessment Procedure (CIAP) to provide a practical methodology for assessing potential...
Environmental Appraisal of Small Hydro Projects in Ontario
Despite a large interest from the developing community and the aid of Ontario's Small Hydro Encouragement Program (Ministry of Energy 1986) which is administrated by the Ontario...
Downramping to Minimize Stranding of Salmonid Fry
The objective of this study was to develop a downramping regime for the Jackson Hydroelectric Project on the Sultan River in Washington that minimizes the stranding of juvenile salmon...
Project Alternatives to Benefit Endangered Species
In April 1986, the Missouri River Division, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, determined that operation of the main stem system had the potential to adversely affect the listed species. Consultation...
Feasibility of Cold Water Releases from Lake Britton
The Pit River in Shasta County, California, is the site of the Pit 3, 4 and 5 Project, a major hydroelectric facility operated by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PGandE) under Federal...
Simulation of the Stanislaus Project: Performance of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Instream Temperature Model on a Complex System
The primary objective of the study was to characterize the temperature regime of the MFSR Middle Fork Stanislaus River and determine the effect of alternate release flows on stream temperature...
The Council's Strategy for Improving Fish Passage
The Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program was developed by the Northwest Power Planning Council in 1982 and amended in 1984 and 1987. The program is likely the largest ongoing...
A Juvenile Fish Bypass Program at Columbia River Basin Projects
Hydroelectric development in the Pacific Northwest region has altered the natural flow of the Columbia River and its major tributary, the Snake River. This has proven to be detrimental...
Power System Study to Determine Hydro Benefits
This paper discusses evaluation methodologies used by Stone & Webster to determine the power benefits for six potential hydropower projects at existing U. S. Army Corps of Engineers...
Managing for Multiple Uses?Theory and Practice
One of the gratest challenges given to reservoir operators is to provide an operating regime that will accomplish the objectives for which the project was constructed. This is important...
Columbia River Treaty Perspectives
The Columbia River Treaty was signed in 1961 and ratified by the governments of Canada and the United States in 1964. The Treaty required British Columbia to construct three large storage...
Hydropower Development of China's Yangtze River
The Yangtze has eight times the hydro potential of the Columbia River basin, currently the largest developed hydro system in the world. In order to pursue economic development through...
Hydrologic Studies for Dinkey Creek Hydro-Electric Project
The economic analysis and final design of the 120 MW hydro-electric development on Dinkey Creek, a tributary of the North Fork of the Kings River in the Central Valley of California, requires...
DURAPLOT: A Flexible Approach to Hydropower Site Optimization
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division Office has over the past six years performed reconnaissance and feasibility level hydropower studies at a variety of sites throughout...
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