Friction Factor and Patterns in Armor Coats
Recent observations of friction factors at armor coat forming discharges suggest the presence of distinct geometric patterns in the locations of the coarsest grains in armor coats. A statistical...

Prediction of Scour Depth Under Armoring Conditions
A simple procedure is proposed to compute scour depth on an alluvial bed having graded materials under flow conditions which produce armor layer at the bed surface. The procedure is based...

Two-Dimensional Numerical Flow Models, Built and Used by Civil Engineers
The paper describes the WAQUA system, a series of programs to perform two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality simulations. Long term developments resulted in a successful system...

Twenty Years of Experience in Unsteady Flow Modeling of Open Channels at TVA
Two concerns prompted the development of dynamic methods for flow routings: (a) the safety of the nuclear plants being planned along the Tennessee River in the 1960's and...

A Model of Flow in Regulated Open Channel Networks
A model (NETWORK) is presented for the simulation of unsteady flow in regulated open channel networks. The operation of hydraulic structures, such as gates and weirs, are simulated as...

Physical River Model Results and Prototype Response
The Hydraulics Laboratory of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has performed physical hydraulic model studies on various rivers for nearly 60 years. These studies...

One-Dimensional Tidal Circulation Model
A finite-element, one-dimensional numerical model of tidal circulation was developed for estuarine and channel flow applications. The model was designed for the prediction of tide heights...

Simulation and Video Animation of Canal Flushing Created by a Tide Gate
A tide-gate algorithm was added to a one-dimensional unsteady flow model that was calibrated, verified, and used to determine the locations of as many as five tide gates that would maximize...

Field Investigation in an Estuary: A Case Study of Cooper River/Charleston Harbor
In 1942, the flow of the Cooper/Ashley/Wando (South Carolina) River complex was altered by a flow diversion project. Subsequently, Charleston Harbor suffered a dramatic increase in maintenance...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of a Stratified Estuary
Development around Choctawhatchee Bay, and reduced productivity, loss of seagrass beds, and higher salinities, prompted the Northwest Florida Water Management District to conduct an investigation...

Effect of Conowingo Dam Releases on the Water Quality of the Lower Susquehanna River
A modeling study was performed to assess the effects of flow releases from Conowingo Dam on the water quality of Conowingo Pond and the Susquehanna River downstream of the dam. Reservoir...

Discharge Characteristics of Rectangular Profiled Weirs
This paper contains the results of a detailed experimental program carried out to define the discharge characteristics of rectangular profiled weirs. The flow region where the discharge...

Unsteady Flow in a Navigation Channel
Based on the de St Venant equations, the Preissmann's implicit finite difference scheme, and the double sweep algorithm, a mathematical model for one-dimensional unsteady...

Studies of Hydraulic Jump by the Flow Routing
The high energy of floodwater passing from a reservoir needs to be dissipated to prevent scouring and damage from the dam and other downstream structures. Hydraulic jump is a common way...

Longitudinal Dispersion in Rivers: A Dead Zone Model Solution
The longitudinal dispersion of tracer material in rivers is often analyzed based on the one-dimensional convective diffusion equation developed by G.I. Taylor. However, the persistent...

Discharge Measurement by Thermal Dilution
A flume study was conducted to develop and improve the thermal dilution method of discharge measurement in trapezodial channels. The study was performed in an indoor channel with dischages...

Freshwater Flow from Caves at Chankanaab Park, Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico
The freshwater forms a lense on top of the ocean water and discharges to the ocean through solution channels. One such solution channel is present in Chankanaab Park and is identified...

Measurements of Mean Velocity, Turbulence and Temperature in a Deflected, Heated Water Jet
A submerged heated water jet issuing from a vertical wall into a turbulent flow in a rectangular open channel is investigated experimentally to determine the mean velocity, turbulence...

Drag Characteristics of Spheres in Bingham Fluids
R.W. Ansley and T.N. Smith's type of drag relation can be traced back closely, if not completely, to the Newtonian drag curve. The equivalent diameter for a sphere in a Bingham...

Gas Transfer at the Water Surface: Measurements of Gas Concentration Fluctuations
The paper describes measurements of fluctuating gas (oxygen) concentrations by means of a polarographic microscope near the air-water interface. The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility...





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