Implications of Deep Ocean Modelling on Coastal Sedimentation Prediction
The Harvard University Ocean Predictive Descriptive System is reviewed and recent results of mesoscale ocean prediction are presented for the Northeast Pacific and Gulf Stream Ring Stream...

A Finite Element Application of Sand Terrace Formation Process
In this paper, the formation process of a sand terrace in front of river mouth is simulated numerically by means of the finite element method. The two-step explicit scheme is applied as...

TVA: A Half-Century of Sedimentation Experience
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a regional resource development agency, created by the United States Congress in 1933 and charged with bringing to the Tennessee River watershed...

Lessons from Ten Years Experience in 2D Sediment Modeling
The purpose of this paper is to share some of the lessons learned from the experience of the Hydraulics Lab Estuaries Division (WESHE) in applying two-dimensional (2D) numerical models...

An Overview of Computer Stream Sedimentation Models
This paper discuss some of the author's experience in computer modeling of stream sedimentation problems. Comparisons of twelve selected models developed and implemented in...

Near Bed Sediment Concentration as Influenced by Turbulence
Suspended sediment concentration profiles are developed based on the conservation of mass and conservation of momentum equations of sediment laden flows. The resulting concentration profile...

Areal Sampling Techniques
Three areal methods, commonly used for sampling the coarser surface layer of gravel-bed streams, are examined. An idealized sediment deposit, that consists of cubic particles and accounts...

Sediment Transport Modelling from Grain Size Data
Grain-size analysis can be useful in determining some of the hydrodynamic aspects of the evolution of a natural sand body. The suite statistics approach minimizes single-sample anomalies...

Modeling Erosion and Deposition Due to Suction and Jet Flows
PHOENICS, a commercial 3-D computational fluid dynamics software package, was modified for simulating seabed erosion and deposition. Time varying sediment fluidization, transport and deposition...

Energy Relations for Suspended Sediment Transport
One of the main difficulties in predicting transport rates of suspended sediment on the basis of the Rouse-expression for relative sediment concentrations, is the lack of any reliable...

The Structure of Intermittent Sand Suspension Events Under Mild Wave Conditions
Nearshore sedimentation processes are being actively investigated through a series of research projects at the University of Miami. Quantitative measurements of waves, currents, and suspended...

Highly Concentrated Sediment Loads of the Yellow River
A set of high concentration data for the Yellow River in China is examined and compared with low concentration data and laboratory experimental results....

Sediment Transport in Hyperconcentrated Flows in Sand-Bed Streams
This study advances the understanding of sediment transport of bed material discharge in sand bed streams through application of recently developed theoretical concepts related to the...

Sediment?Hyperconcentration Flow and Its Similarity Laws
The sediment- hyperconcentration flow are studied theoretically and experimentally, and the formulas for the Bingham shear stress, rigidity coefficient, fall velocity and transport capacity...

Sediment Transport Due to Turbidity Currents
The processes of sediment transport in a horizontal channel due to low-Reynolds-number turbidity currents are evaluated. A multiple-layer numerical model was developed to predict the flow...

The Effects of Velocity on Scour
Four effects of 'velocity' on scour are discussed: clear-water scour, scour by light sediment-transporting flow, mode of movement, and kinetic terms included...

Prediction of Time Development of Local Scour
The prediction of the time development of local scour is commonly solved by means of model tests. A brief description of the time-scale and the relation between the time and the scour...

The Area of Scour Hole Around Bridge Piers
The study is focused on what parameters determine the area of scour hole around bridge piers. An analytical study based on momentum principle has been used to reveal the variables involved...

A Coastal Hard Rock Sediment Budget for the Inner Bristol Channel
The dominant input into the inter-tidal zone from the hard rocks bordering the inner Bristol Channel is clastic material. This is derived from coastal recession as a result of subaerial...

Field Measurement of Topography at a River Mouth
The authors have been measuring topography and cross section at the river mouth of the Nanakita River, in Japan. Changes of short-time scale, such as straightening of the river channel...





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