Geographic Information Systems Technology for Environmental Infrastructure Networks
The recent developments in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) industry have captured the attention of many professionals who regularly deal with the management of real-world geographic...

Compaq Center East Water Management Plan
This Water Management Plan attempts to balance the many goals which were established in the Master Plan. Major areas of natural vegetation have been preserved. Stormwater quality pond/wetland...

Understanding Potential Legal Liabilities of Water Resource Professionals and How to Avoid Them
The salvation of the country's water resources is one of the most important problems facing it today. Focused, as they are, on a problem of such overwhelming significance,...

Siting of a Reclaimed Water Reservoir
The City of Santa Rosa (City), California, retained Woodward-Clyde Consultants to identify, evaluate, screen and rank potential sites for construction of a dam and reservoir to store reclaimed...

Forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice
The forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice for the Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems includes, as Chapter 1, a derivation of the following text. This chapter...

Construction Contract Documents for Stormwater Facilities
This paper provides an overview of the elements of an acceptable package of contract documents for stormwater facility construction. Thoughtful an meticulous assembly of contract documents...

Pricing Policy for Water Services
Prices and pricing strategies are described in terms of their functions and revenue objectives applicable to water services. Ten pricing objectives are defined in terms of how the objective...

Drainage Design Criteria: Too Restricted? Too Broad? Too Outdated?
Should drainage design policies be more flexible, leaving the field more open to engineering judgment? Are some policies too loose or broad? Should design criteria more closely reflect...

Texas Reservoir Projects: Permitting & Mitigation
Recent reservoir projects in Texas were reviewed on the basis of permitting and mitigation, and subsequent project costs. We document trends of increasing time to prepare and process permit...

Summary of the National ASCE Task Committee on Costs-Benefits of Various Design Frequencies for Urban Drainage Systems and Flood Control

The Managemet of Storm Water Runoff Associated with Industrial Activity
Section 405 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 mandates that municipal and industrial storm water discharges are point sources of water pollution and are subject to regulation under the...

Parallel Real-Time Dynamic Simulation of Robots
To achieve real-time dynamic simulation of a robot manipulator on a vector/parallel machine, two types of parallelism are investigated. Techniques to enhance the vectorization of the dynamics...

Nonlinearities and Imperfections in Creep Stability
The effects of material and geometric nonlinearities and imperfections on the 'safe-load-limit' and the 'safe-service-period' of structures...

Perplexing Issues in Concrete Softening
We explore some of the proposed techniques for modeling 'softening' via the constitutive model. We seek a framework which is both theoretically sound and physically...

Computational Damage Modeling for Timber Reliability Analysis
Damage models for creep-rupture are used in conjunction with stochastic load models to evaluate lifetime failure probabilities of timber members and systems. This paper examines damage...

Diastolic Function Using 3-D Echo Reconstruction and Finite Element Analysis: Applications for Study in Animal Models and Patients
We have initiated animal experiments using three-dimensional reconstruction of echocardiographic recordings and finite element analysis to evaluate the effects of alterations in preload,...

Characterizing Mode I Fatigue Delamination of Composite Materials
Evaluation of two techniques to characterize fatigue delamination using the double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen are presented. The two techniques were the delamination growth onset (G-N)...

Theoretical and Experimental Mechanisms of Toughening in Multi-phase Materials
Multi-phase materials are an important class of materials being developed for aerospace primary structural applications. Multi-phase materials are those materials consisting of two or...

Inspection Goes High Tech
Many believe that rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure�not net construction�will dominate the 1990s. Therefore, accurate condition assessment is crucial, since public works agencies...

Cables Not in Trouble
Cable-stayed bridges in the U.S. are not, contrary to reports widely disseminated in the press several years ago, about to fail from corrosion. The design, in which primary cables support...





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