Telerobotic Field Geologist: Preliminary Results of a Feasibility Study
We conducted three laboratory studies to explore the feasibility of developing a telerobot to perform planetary field geology. In all, 72 college students attempted to match each of 15...

Modular Robot Testbed
One approach to non-terrestrial construction involves the use of small, inexpensive, modular robots rather than expensive one-of-a-kind construction tools. The Modular Robots Testbed at...

The Virtual Mission: A Step-Wise Approach to Large Space Missions
The new Virtual Mission concept will provide NASA's Science Program with a powerful new, 'go-as-you-pay,' flexible, and resilient way of accomplishing its science observing program. The...

An Operational Evaluation Process for Long-Duration Mission Habitats in Space
In preparation for long-duration manned spaceflight into the 21st Century, the ergonomical and psychological aspects of space habitat architectures are being investigated in Europe. Used...

A Facility for Training Space Station Astronauts
The Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) will be the primary facility for training the Space Station Freedom astronauts and the Space Station Control Center ground support personnel....

Geographical Information System (GIS) Technology in Global Environmental Evaluation?An Overview
The Land Analysis Team at the Construction Engineering Laboratory is enhancing the GRASS software package to deal with global environmental questions. CERL has implemented the basic software,...

The Wide-Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner WAOSS for the Soviet Mars 94/96 Missions
The Wide-Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner WAOSS is anticipated for the Soviet Mars 94/96 missions. Starting from the tasks of WAOSS as a part of the TV complex ARGUS, the paper describes...

An Analysis of Human Performance in Simulated Partial-Gravity Environments
Three unique partial gravity test environments; parabolic flight, water immersion and a mechanical-relief device provide the environment to evaluate human locomotion, reach sweeps, and...

Preliminary Investigation of a Lunar 16 Meter Optical Telescope
The results of a year-long effort to develop a design concept for the structure of a 16 meter lunar optical telescope are presented. Various mounting configurations and mirror configurations...

Object Oriented Spacecraft Architecture
This paper describes an architecture for simplifying the spacecraft design and maintenance process: Object Oriented Spacecraft Architecture. Like object oriented programming, the strategy...

Using Simulation to Evaluate On-Orbit Construction Operations
As the NASA Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) program contemplates a permanent presence on both the Lunar and Martian soil, the necessity for On-Orbit Construction of the Earth-to-Lunar/Martian...

Characteristics of High-Speed Runway Exits for Airport Design
This paper addresses some of the geometric design and operational characteristics of high-speed runway exists. Lateral and longitudinal runway constraints limiting the use of high-speed...

Soft Touch People Mover Central Control
The people mover central control systems perform many automatic functions, are built with off-the-shelf redundant hardware, include advanced color graphics and touch screen operator interfaces,...

Impact of the New Denver Airport on the Air Traffic Control System
Building the new Denver Airport has two major impacts on air traffic control: first, it requires redesigning the airspace surrounding the Denver area; and second, it requires moving to...

Site Impact Analysis Using the Tranplan Computer Model
As the cost of infrastructure improvements continue to spiral upward local and state governments are finding it more difficult to provide for increases in traffic volumes due to growth...

Network Model Analysis of Traffic Patterns Resulting from a Proposed Regional Mall
A comparison was made between two methods of traffic impact analysis of a proposed regional shopping mall in Keene, New Hampshire. One study was prepared for the developer using conventional...

Arizona's Uniform Traffic Impact Procedures
This paper discusses the development of policies and detailed uniform guidelines for traffic impact analysis of proposed developments along Arizona State highways. The paper addresses:...

Palm Beach County Traffic Impact Analysis?A Prototype
A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is a tool that allows government and private developers to anticipate traffic needs at the driveways of a proposed development, as well as on roadways in...

Using Traffic Network Models to Assess Site Impact Traffic
This paper covers experience gained in using traffic network models as a site traffic analysis tool, including problems encountered in developing an appropriate zone system and coded highway...

Using Computer Models in Site Impact Assessment
Use of comprehensive large area traffic models (citywide or regional) in site traffic impact assessment can greatly aid certain elements of the analysis, but may be inappropriate for other...





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