Health Hazard Assessment of Waterless Remote Site Waste Management Technologies
The United States Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) has had an ongoing research program addressing remote site waste treatment technologies. The potential for...

Analysis of Technologies for Small Water Systems
The problems encountered when small systems must meet the provisions of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations are discussed. Among the potential water quality problems that could...

Problems in Design of Small Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Systems
Small reverse osmosis water purification systems may be defined as those systems which produce from 100 to 20,000 gallons of water per day. This paper identifies some of the common problem...

A Survey of Anaerobic Digester Operations
In 1981, the ASCE Task Committee on Anaerobic Digestion conducted a survey of wastewater treatment plants throughout the country regarding the use of anaerobic digestion. The two-part...

Factors Influencing Oxygen Depletion in Green Bay
Dissolved oxygen depletion in the lower Fox River (Wisconsin) and Green Bay (Lake Michigan) have historically been tied to discharges of organic matter from municipal waste treatment plants...

Impact of Metallic Solders on Water Quality
A description is given of first-draw water testing at residences in a Long Island, N. Y. , water district. Results for heavy metals, particularly lead, leaching from the solder and plumbing...

Boston MDC Experience With Chloramine Disinfection
In May, 1982, as a condition for approval of plans for improvements to the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) chlorination facility at Norumbega Reservoir, the Massachusetts Department...

On-Site Containment of PCB-Contaminated Soils
A remedial investigation/design project, with subsequent post-closure monitoring, was conducted for upland areas containing PCBs at an industrial site in New Bedford, Massachusetts. A...

Enforcement Support at an NPL Landfill in Colorado
Since 1964, the City and County of Denver has owned the Lowry Landfill site, located approximately 15 miles (24 km) southeast of Denver. During the period of July 1967 through 1980, the...

Benefits of Particle Size Management for Biological Wastewater Treatment
Particle size distributions in wastewater can be used to monitor and model the transformations that occur during wastewater treatment processes. Typical size distributions of organic contaminants...

Chemicals in the Environment: An Approach to Estimate Magnitude of Risk
This paper provides an overview of application of toxicological procedures to estimate health risks posed by hazardous materials in the environment. Emphasis will be placed on information...

Issues in Dam Grouting
Although perhaps the largest number of individual grouting projects do not involve dams, by far the largest volume of grout used is for grouting of new or existing dams. This volume presents...

Institutional Incentives and Disincentives for Water Recycling and Reuse in the United States
A complex set of legislative/regulatory, technological, water conservation, and economic factors operate to affect the degree of industrial wastewater reuse/recycle in the United States....

Development and Management of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District
This paper discusses and explains the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District. The purposes, accomplishments, operation and management, and financing of the District are mentioned....

Texas Hiplex Experimental Design
Research into rainfall enhancement in Texas expanded rapidly during the 1970's with the Texas HIPLEX program. More recently, the states of Texas and Oklahoma and the United...

Annual and Seasonal Variations of Phosphorus Loads in the Okanagan River
Results of monitoring of phosphorus loads in the Okanagan River channel linking Okanagan, Skaha and Osoyoos Lakes are described. The southern Okanagan basin is the area where major changes...

Irrigation Water Requirements Under Wide-Spaced Furrow Irrigation
Research has shown that wide-spaced furrow irrigation (WSFI) can produce acceptable yields of crops with less water than every-furrow irrigation (EFI). In many seasons WSFI will result...

Survival of Ocean Life: The Critical Balance
Several major problem areas in ocean management are in need of immediate and stringent address. Excessive erosion and sedimentation, stems from man's inadequacies in land...

Modeling the Fate and Transport of Biocides in Estuarine Power Plant Cooling Water Discharges
This paper presents a framework with examples for understanding the fate and transport of cooling system discharges into estuaries through the use of modeling. The modeling of biofouling...

Discharge Zone Classification System for Southern Puget Sound
This paper identifies marine areas where new or expanded discharges are unacceptable based on existing knowledge; e. g. , water quality standards are currently not met, and impairment...





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