Review of the Design, Construction, and Operation of the Lake Carolyn Flood Control Pump Station
A review of the design, construction, and initial operation of the Lake Carolyn Flood Control Pump Station in Irving, Texas is presented. Staged water resource development design concepts...

Causes and Possible Control Measures of Flood in Bangladesh
Intensity and frequency of occurrence of devastating floods in Bangladesh have increased significantly over the past two decades. Large scale deforestation in the upstream reaches of Ganges,...

Government Cooperation in Water Resources Planning and Management
The California State Legislators have shown real concern in trying to do something about the clearly identified water shortage. Many bills and funding programs have been proposed to encourage...

Streamflow Prediction and Allocation Model in Texas
The State of Texas' Water Rights Adjudication Act of 1967 provided for the creation of regional watermasters to divide the water of state streams in accordance with the adjudicated...

Watermaster Administration of Texas State Waters
The State of Texas is developing a watermaster program which will enable the State to administer water right issues on a regional basis. A primary role of a watermaster operation is to...

Water for Texans?Using the Water Development Fund
This paper is presented to provide information on the Texas Water Development Fund. The Fund is available as a source that can provide financial assistance to political subdivisions of...

The Coming Drought: Are You Ready?
Drought planning is necessary for the orderly development of a water supply system. Long range planning, risk analysis, multi-discipline cooperation, and public awareness are critical...

Drought Indication and Response
A study of rainfall and reservoir level data was conducted on the water supply system of South Central Connecticut to investigate the possibility of developing reliable, easy to use drought...

Transferable Rations for Drought Management?
This paper examines the concept of transferable water rations from an economic perspective. Transferable water rations may improve efficiency in the distribution of water by allowing customers...

Flownets by Computer Graphics
A new method of drawing flownets for determining seepage losses in earth dams is developed. The flow and equipotential lines are drawn by modifying W. Kinzelbagh's method....

A Two-Dimensional Model for Estimating Leachate Flow in Landfills
A numerical model has been developed to compute the leachate flow from solid waste landfills in an unsteady state condition. The two-dimensional moisture flow equation along with the boundary...

Analysis of Groundwater Quality: A Database Application for the Nassau County, NY, Water Management Plan
Nassau County, Long Island, New York is presently developing a Comprehensive Water Management Plan. To determine the extent and trends in nitrate contamination of the groundwater, a preliminary...

Numerical Model Study of Groundwater Movement in an Aquifer of Bangladesh
Annual groundwater level variation in the aquifer of the Mymensingh-Tangail area of Bangladesh was simulated by applying an implicit finite-difference model of groundwater flow. The groundwater...

Development of an Optimization Model for Groundwater Withdrawal
An optimization model has been developed to simulate optimal values of withdrawal from a given aquifer system. The linear programming technique has been used to formulate the objective...

Spills: The Human-Machine Interface State of Our Knowledge
The International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes has entered into agreements on Great Lakes water quality. Many of the 3000 significant spills that occur in the Great Lakes Basin...

Human Error: A Major Cause of Spills
Accidental spills and releases of toxic and hazardous releases is a much greater problem than realized. While data reporting systems do noe adequately account for human error as a causal...

Oil Spill Impacts on Aquifers
This study attempts to evaluate the seismic hazards along a forty inch pipeline and the impact of a pipeline rupture in the recharge area of the aquifer serving most of West Tennessee....

Application of a Water Budget for Instream Flows
A portion of a water supply reservoir can be dedicated to supplying instream flows. This subreservoir is operated to provide instream fish habitat below the reservoir when releases to...

Application of Risk Management and Value Engineering Techniques to Evaluation of Water Resources Projects with Special Emphasis on Geological Hazards
The purpose of this paper is to provide: 1) a perspective for identifying and evaluating in comparable terms all hazards at a site; and 2) a means for intelligent decision-making based...

Optimization of Freshwater Inflow to Estuaries
This paper presents a methodology that can be used for determining the optimal freshwater inflows into bays and estuaries for the purpose of balancing freshwater demands with the harvest...





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