Estimating Lake Inflows for Storage by Linear Programming
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) recently completed a Water Management Plan for the lower Colorado River Basin in Texas. In developing the Plan, a daily river flow routing procedure,...

Reservoir Reevaluation in TVA
Demands for the use of dams and reservoirs tend to change after the projects are completed. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) works with State and local groups to try to increase the...

Comparison Between the Field and Laboratory Measured Properties of a Clay Liner
Hydraulic conductivity (K) and bulk density (BD) of an experimental clay linear were evaluated at a large number of locations using standard methods. They were then compared to laboratory...

Measuring Performance of Clay Containment Barriers
Clayey soils compacted to engineering specifications are widely used as structures for hydraulic containment. Current applications include landfill liners, landfill covers, pond liners,...

A Rational Basis for Determining Safety of Containment
Design of waste containment facilities may follow one of three tacts: (1) the liner and cover systems may have prescribed components of predetermined minimum thicknesses and hydraulic...

Estimating Earthquake Hazard of Municipal Water Systems
This paper uses the City of Memphis as a case study to present the seismic hazard evaluation of a municipal water delivery system. The horizontal peak bedrock accelerations resulting from...

Effects & Risk Analysis for Time Variable Exposures
The effects of toxicants on organisms in natural settings are a function of both the variations in exposure concentrations and duration of exposure. This paper present analysis procedures...

Water Measurement and Accounting of Lake Michigan Diversion
The diversion of water from Lake Michigan and the Lake Michigan Basin into the Mississippi River Basin has been regulated since the turn of the century. The U.S. Supreme Court Decree of...

Measuring Benefits of Water Supply Projects
Various approaches are used to determine the value of water supply projects. Deterministic methods will lead to biased valuation of additional supplies of water. Calculation of risk premium...

Abilene, Texas, Flood Control Study?Cast History
The Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, is currently performing a study of flooding problems of Abilene, Texas. This is the first study under the General Investigations authority...

Conflict Resolution, Reallocation and Management of Lake Texoma Resources
From its inception, Lake Texoma has created conflicts among users of its natural resources, including hydropower, water supply, flood control, and recreational users. Many attempts have...

Contracting Provisions to Delay Capital Expenditures and Extend the Use of Available Water Supplies
A contractual means has been established of assuring equitable use of available water supply by the regional participants in the Williamson County Raw Water Line Project. A contract between...

Water Resources: Transfer of Development Rights
This paper addresses conflicts regarding development, land owners rights, accepted land development management practices, and community or public rights. It includes such issues as the...

Some Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change for the Delaware River Basin
To gain insight into possible impacts of climate change on water availability in the Delaware River, two models are linked. The first model is a monthly water balance model that converts...

Predicting Effects of Global Climate Change on Reservoir Water Quality and Fish Habitat
This paper demonstrates the use of general circulation models (GCMs) for assessing global climate change effects on reservoir water quality and illustrates that general conclusions about...

Non-Point Source Contamination of Aquifers
The paper discusses a new method for simulating the movement of contaminants from a diffuse source at the soil surface through a variably-saturated porous medium. The method accounts for...

Modeling Groundwater Flow in San Joaquin Valley
Water supply, reallocation and conjunctive use options, within the San Joaquin and Tulare basins of the Central Valley of California, are being considered by Federal and State Planning...

Groundwater Modeling of the Tustin/Irvine Basin
This paper describes the results of groundwater modeling in the Tustin/Irvine basin situated in the southeastern portion of the Tustin plain, which is the the southern extension of the...

Spatial Averaging of Statistically Anisotropic Point Conductivities
This paper presents a new technique to compute the mean, variogram and cross-variograms of the components of block conductivity tensors given the statistical distribution of point conductivities....

Design of Sampling Networks for Water Table Monitoring
In the application to the monitoring of water tables the presence of temporal and spatial dependence is of crucial importance. Often the network will be used to collect data to estimate...





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