Replacement of Computer Control at John Day Powerhouse
One of the first projects chosen by the Corps of Engineers for computer control was the John Day Project on the Columbia River. John Day powerhouse was completed in 1971 and has 16 generators...

Devil Canyon Powerplant Enlargement Project: Electrical Design Problems and Challenges
Devil Canyon Powerplant is a hydroelectric plant facility of the huge California Water Project. This powerplant is located 5 miles north of San Bernandino. It is currently being enlarged...

Distributed Control Applications for Utility Hydroelectric Plants
In 1984, Washington Water Power began a program to improve monitoring and control systems for hydroelectric plants. The control systems being improved with distributed control equipment...

Programmable Logic Controller Based Governor/Plant Controller
This paper discusses the performance characteristics of the programmable logic controllers (PLC's) is based governor, particularly speed resolution and response times. The...

Torsion Rigid Gates and Their Hoisting Mechanisms
In Europe, installation of modern, steel, 'torsion-rigid', radial (tainter) gates and flaps, operated by one or more hydraulic hoists usually situated at the...

Critical Features of Custom Design Hydro Gates
Large hydro gates are custom designed to suit each particular installation. To prevent overlooking a feature that could lead to future problems, a check list of the numerous features should...

Crest Gates Design for Upper Mechanicville
This paper describes the design of flap-type spillway crest gates for the Upper Mechanicville Project, located on the Hudson River near Mechanicville, New York. These gates are being provided...

Considerations to Be Taken in the Design of Speed Increasers for Hydroturbine Service
The paper discusses the incorporation of a speed increaser specification that is primarily functional yet one that will address the cost, reliability, efficiency, and life requirements...

Runner Induced Penstock Vibrations
During the start up testing of the Sly Creek Power-house a severe penstock vibration was discovered at wicket gate openings above 65%. Subsequent testing revealed that the penstock vibration...

Turbine Runner Procurement for the Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant Upgrade
Procurement of the new runners involved the selection of two manufacturers who have entered into a design competition in which competing models will be tested in an independent hydraulic...

Development of High Specific Speed Pump-Turbines
The operational range of pump-turbines is continually increasing, especially in the direction of high specific speed installation. In this context, high specific speed refers to units...

Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project Turbine Design
This paper provides general information about this major hydroelectric project on the Parana River on the border between Argentina and Paraguay in South America. In addition, some specific...

Uprating, Modernization and Automation of a Vertical Francis Turbine Generating Unit
The power demands of the Boise Cascade Paper Mill in Rumford, Maine are partially satisfied by two hydro-generating plants located in the near vicinity. In 1984 several factors prompted...

Update: Ozark-Webbers Falls Turbines
The Ozark and Webbers Falls powerhouses were designed and constructed under the supervision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Both are located on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation...

Design and Installation Concepts for High Capacity Pump/Turbines
This paper discusses the pre-planned field welding and machining operations utilized for six (6) large pump/turbines, each capable of 508 MW at Virginia Power Company's Bath...

Reduced O&M Costs through Better Metallurgy
There are many areas in hydroelectric power plants where better materials of construction can reduce operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Some of the most nagging problems deal...

Turbine Improvements through Model Testing, a Case Study
An air-flow, propeller type, rim-drive turbine is being manufactured to be used in sites with heads ranging from 12 to 28 feet. A laboratory turbine model study was conducted to optimize...

Field Efficiency Tests of a Large Pump-Turbine
The New York Power Authority's Blenheim-Gilboa Pumped Storage Project began commercial operation in 1973. In 1987, the Authority initiated a study of the existing pump/turbines...

Murray?Commissioning Maxi Hydro with Mini Flow
The Murray Hydroelectric Project contains two of the largest pit turbines in the world. An existing dam constructed for navigation and flood control on the Arkansas River, Lock and Dam...

Pit Turbines, an Economical Solution for Low Heads
The paper describes the experience with pit turbine design and construction at the 8 MW St. Cloud facility located on the Mississippi River in Minnesota. Major topics in the paper include...





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