Salinity-Colorado River Water Quality Crisis
The major concern cited is excessive salt concentrations caused by salt loading of return flows to the Colorado River. Salinity levels measured as milligrams per liter (mg/L) are monitored...

Water Quality Impacts of a Lead/Zinc Mine in Northwest Alaska
In order to assure that water quality in the Red Dog Creek/lkalukrok Creek/Wulik River watershed returned to pre-mining conditions, the order required that water quality and fish tissue...

Sand Management Planning in Oregon
Under Statewide Planning Goal 18 dune grading or sand movement necessary to maintain views or prevent sand inundation is allowed only as part of an area-wide foredune management plan....

The Napeague Dunes, Long Island, NY
The Napeague Dunes of eastern Long Island, N.Y., consist of a series of three migrating parabolic dunes. The area presently occupied by this system was formerly a 2.7 Km wide inlet following...

Dunes Management Plan: Long Beach Peninsula, Washington
The dunes management plan, completed in June 1989, addresses public education; land use jurisdiction and enforcement; funding; economic and environmental resource values; land development...

Use of MARPOL ANNEX V Reception Facilities and Disposal Systems at Selected Gulf of Mexico Ports, Private Terminals and Recreational Boating Facilities
A 1991 survey conducted by the Sea Grant College Programs at Texas A&M Univ and Louisiana State Univ of selected Gulf of Mexico public ports, private terminals and recreational...

Shoreline Processes and Beach Changes on the Lagoon Shoreline at Fire Island National Seashore, NY, USA
Shoreline processes and beach changes on the lagoon shoreline at Fire Island national seashore, NY, USA are discussed in this paper....

Analysis of Marsh Sedimentation Changes, Cumberland Island, Georgia
The national park service has initiated a long-term monitoring project to determine whether dredging for the King's Bay Naval Base is affecting sedimentation and erosion rates in the backbarrier...

Restoration of Batiquitos Lagoon: Cooperative Effort, Judicially Sanctioned
Restoration of badly degraded Batiquitos Lagoon required a project of unprecedented size and scope, involving numerous local, state and federal agencies. The restoration project will cost...

Coastal Restoration: Louisiana's Saving Grace
Louisiana loses an estimated sixty-five square kilometers of coastal wetlands per year. In response to this loss, the Coastal Restoration Division of the Louisiana Department of Natural...

Wetland Creation and Restoration on the US Pacific Coast
Major wetland creation or restoration projects on the Pacific Coasts of the United States have regional characteristics and reasons for being built: (1) they are all either within deep...

Study of the Circulatory and Salinity Changes in Galveston Bay, Texas by Using a Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Model
The effects of tides and freshwater inflows on the circulation and salinity changes in Galveston Bay are investigated numerically by using three-dimensional hydrodynamic and transport...

Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Shoreline Stabilization on Puget Sound
Although shore protection structures such as bulkheads and seawalls may provide protection to upland property owners, they bring with them numerous potential adverse environmental effects....

Potential Application of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act to Washington State
Congress reauthorized the coastal barrier resources act(CBRA) in 1990. Section 6 of the law directed the department of the interior to study the feasibility of extending the provisions...

The Flood Threat Response in South Louisiana
The flood threat to the people of Louisiana is ever present. Responses to reducing the flood threat have been relocation, structural and regulatory. All of these responses effect the surrounding...

Cheniere Caminada and the Hurricane of 1893
The author reflects on the 1893 hurricane that totally destroyed Cheniere Caminada (the northern Gulf of Mexico's coast).The deltaic processes that characterize the Barataria-Terrebonne...

Offshore Marine Litter in Swansea Bay, Wales, UK
Offshore litter can originate from various sources; with land based (i.e., rivers and beaches), sewage disposal sites and sea dumping being the main source areas. Much work has been carried...

Case Studies of Ocean Outfall Inspections?San Francisco and Seattle
Discharge of effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants via outfalls into the nearshore ocean environment is a common means for disposal of waste and street water runoff coastal...

Evaluation of Plants for Coastal Dune Stabilization
The dune stabilization system used in the Phoenix Condominiums project can be used to enhance dunes all along the Atlantic and Gulf Coast. The plants and technology are available, which...

Application of Acoustic Hydrosurvey Technology to the Mapping of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Distribution in Humboldt Bay, California
Acoustic hydrosurvey technology provides an efficient and accurate means of surveying the distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation under some circumstances. The San Francisco District,...





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