Sanitary Sewer Model with Database Management
While numerous water supply and stormwater system models existed, the few sanitary sewer models that were readily available were too simplistic for engineering design and master planning...

Sanitary Sewer System Modeling for Operation and Planning
Development of a Steady State Sanitary Sewer Simulation (S5) computer model helped Newport News, Virginia, enact an efficient sanitary sewer management...

Conjunctive Use Study of Groundwater and Surface Water in Chino Basin, California
The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of artificial recharge on an already contaminated unconfined aquifer and propose optimal recharging and pumping schemes to prevent the...

Regional Assessment of Pumpage in Southeastern Virginia
A U.S. Geological Survey investigation was conducted, in cooperation with the Virginia Water Control Board, to analyze the hydrogeology and groundwater flow system in the Coastal Plain...

Leachate Flow Through Landfills
The problem of estimating the amount of leachate generated in a landfill site is of significance in the assessment of potential environmental impacts. Although there are a variety of regulations...

A Ground Water Modeling Effort to Simulate the Results of An Aquifer Restoration Scheme
A ground water model using the IBM PC version of the USGS MODFLOW code was constructed to simulate the ground water flow beneath an industrial site in the central Midwest. A detailed three-dimensional...

Computerized Bridge Coding for HEC-2 Applications on I.B.M. P.C.
A computer program for conversion of survey field notes directly into SB, BT, and GR cards with simultaneous cross-section plot is described. It was designed to simplify the coding of...

Administration of Water in the 21st Century in Accordance with the Appropriation Doctrine
In accordance with the appropriation doctrine it appears straightforward to distribute water during below-average supply, 'first in time of use, first in right of use'....

GWPATH: Ground-Water Flow Path Analysis
GWPATH is an interactive software package for estimating horizontal fluid pathlines and travel time in fully saturated groundwater flow domains. GWPATH was developed for the IBM PC-AT...

A Vectorized Polynomial Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver Package for the USGS 3-D Ground-Water Model
A vectorized polynomial preconditioned conjugate gradient (PPCG) numerical algorithm is presented as an additional solver package interfaced with the Modular Three-Dimensional Finite Difference...

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Results From Stege Sanitary District
Seven sewer agencies, including Stege Sanitary District, in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area embarked on a 20-year capital improvement program in 1987. The 300 million construction...

Simple Furrow Advance Ratio Evaluation Technique for Upgrading Management
A simple procedure using the Advance Ratio (AR) is presented. It utilizes on-farm gathered information of advance time, water application time, and depth applied for furrow irrigated field....

Evaluation of Infiltration Equations Used in Surface Irrigation
Computer simulations of an irrigation event were conducted using 6 full hydrodynamic models. All 6 models used the same surface flow equations and a different infiltration component. The...

Hydraulic Studies of Surface Drainage from Level Furrows
Field studies have been completed to quantify the surface drainage phenomenon from level furrows which were rapidly flooded and then drained from the inlet end of the furrow. The proportion...

Furrow Irrigation Performance Using Real Time Control
Computer simulations were conducted, using a simple feedback control algorithm, to determine the potential for improvement of irrigation performance using real-time feedback control. Field...

Surface Water-Groundwater Relations for Open Channels
For losing channels with clean wetted perimeters (no clogging layers), the seepage rate varies essentially linearly with depth to groundwater if the groundwater is relatively shallow,...

Simulation of Contaminant Transport Using NMOL Technique
In this paper, a new numerical method, called Numerical Method of Lines (NMOL), is used to solve initial-boundary value problems for solute transport in soils. The simulation results are...

Proposed Improvements in Lateral Canal Operations
Uniform and flexible supplies of irrigation water are required for farmers to make the best use of their on-farm application systems. Results of a study of deliveries at the lateral canal...

Random Characteristics of Sediment-Laden Flows and the Techniques of Effective Sediment Exclusion on Dujiangyan Irrigation Project in China
The irrigation system is over 2,200 years old and discharges water at a rate of 340-740 m3/s from the Minjiang River. The average slope of the river...

Ultrasonic Flow Meter Testing
Six ultrasonic flow meters were tested in a hydraulics laboratory. Accuracies better than 2% were obtained with two transit-time meters on 14 inch diameter steel tubing. Poorer accuracies...





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