IRSIS, A Software Package for Irrigation Scheduling
IRSIS (IRrigation Scheduling Information System) has been developed to solve problems concerning irrigation scheduling at field level. For a given climate, crop and field it offers the...

Biological Methods Petroleum Hydrocarbons Cleanup
Cleanup of the ground water and soils from hydrocarbon spills has mainly focused on air stripping and activated carbon for ground-water treatment, and vapor extraction and excavation followed...

The Formation of Meandering and Braided Channels
Flow in alluvial channels implies flow past boundaries that form and deform under the action of the flow. Interaction between the flow and the mobile boundaries produces channel patterns...

New Developments About Mud Transport Models. Application to a Macrotidal Estuary
In order to assess the fate of fine particles and adsorbed contaminants due to tidal forcing in estuaries, a mathematical modeling system for cohesive suspended matter transport and bottom...

Model Study of Side Slope Riprap
Laboratory experiments were conducted in 10-m long channels having 1.5 H : 1 V side slopes protected with a 20.7-mm diameter rock layer 1.5 diameters thick. Four models were tested. In...

Using Sediment-Threshold Theories in Waves and Currents
Fundamentally different threshold-of-motion theories were applied to sand transport in two different coastal environments. Several recommendations for threshold application were reached....

A Finite Element Application of Sand Terrace Formation Process
In this paper, the formation process of a sand terrace in front of river mouth is simulated numerically by means of the finite element method. The two-step explicit scheme is applied as...

Mid-Scale Laboratory Tests on a Two-Dimensional Movable-Bed Sand Model
A two-dimensional physical model was used to simulate wave-induced scour in front of a concrete dike sloped at 1:4. The tests were conducted at the U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment...

Method to Predict Cropland Ephemeral Gully Erosion
The U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has developed a microcomputer program to provide estimates of the average annual material...

Areal Sampling Techniques
Three areal methods, commonly used for sampling the coarser surface layer of gravel-bed streams, are examined. An idealized sediment deposit, that consists of cubic particles and accounts...

Sediment Transport Modelling from Grain Size Data
Grain-size analysis can be useful in determining some of the hydrodynamic aspects of the evolution of a natural sand body. The suite statistics approach minimizes single-sample anomalies...

Exceedance of Allowable Velocity in Bank Stability
The authors have developed a method to account for flow duration in the application of the allowable velocity method through comparison with observed bank instabilities on a river system....

Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport Modeling on Small Tropical Watersheds
A fundamentally-based concept of a soil erosion and sediment transport model in a forest tropical area is presented. It will be incorporated to the ANSWERS model. The forest hydrology...

Surface Roughness with Erosion of Earth Channels
A determination of the stresses effective in soil detachment is essential in determining erodibility. The soil roughness that exists during testing and in natural channels is a key element...

A Computer Model for Gravel Pit Headcut Simulation
Sand and gravel mining activities have led to numerous problems in river management. A review of many complaints on sand and gravel mining indicates that the major concern is structural...

Cold Regions Engineering
This volume contains papers that were presented at the 5th International Cold Regions Engineering Specialty Conference, sponsored by ASCE and held in St. Paul, Minnesota, February 6-8,...

Boundary Element Methods in Structural Analysis
Tutorial and state-of-art aspects of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) are combined with applications in structural analysis in order to provide information about the advantages of this...

Agriculture and Groundwater Quality
Nitrates and pesticides used in agriculture cause groundwater degradation. Agricultural practices in the U.S. will have to be changed to alleviate the health effects of these chemicals....

Scour Assessment at Bridges
Due to the key role that bridges play in the national transportation system, the Federal Highway Administration has developed a scour evaluation program. This program, issued in the form...

Local Scour at Bridge Abutments
Comparison of local scour depths at bridge abutments computed using different equations yields a large variation in predicted values. To consolidate the fragmented results of previous...





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