Hydraulic Model Investigation of the North Diversion Structure, Albuquerque, New Mexico
The North Diversion Structure diverts storm runoff around Albuquerque, New Mexico. Observed flow conditions have caused concern about the capacity of the structure and the safety of a...

Physical Modeling to Study the Extent of Removal of an Existing Lock and Dam on the Mississippi River
Locks and Dam No. 26 is located on the Mississippi River approximately 202. 9 river miles above the mouth of the Ohio River. This paper will discuss the utilization of a physical model...

Developing a User Friendly System for Water Distribution Management Applications
A hydraulic computer model of a water distribution system that can be updated with current billing (customer meter readings) information automatically. The model was calibrated with field...

Composite Resistance to Flow With an Ice Cover
Recent data collected on several rivers in Michigan suggest, with only an ice cover present, that Manning's roughness ratio is constant at n//R equals 0. 65. If other ice...

Regulatory Floodway Width Estimation
A simple algebraic equation is presented for determining the width of the regulatory or designated floodway. The equation shows that for a given ratio of the permissible increase in flood...

Nuclide Migration from Areal Sources Into a Fracture
The authors show analytic solutions to the problem of hydrogeologic transport of radionuclides released from finite areal sources into a planar fracture. The authors illustrate the solutions...

Hydraulic Model to Improve Debris-Handling Capability of Waterford Unit 3 Intake Canal
A 1:30 scale model was used to test the effectiveness of various modifications to the Waterford Unit No. 3 intake canal. The objective of the study was to assist in the development of...

Low Head Hydropower Finite Element Analysis
Finite element analysis provides a means of predicting the flow conditions resulting from the operation of a proposed hydropower facility. The results of a finite element flow analysis...

Calculating Runaway Pressure Surges in Small Hydro Units
Determination of the runaway speed and concomitant pressure surges requires consideration of both the turbine rotodynamics and the waterhammer equations. In this paper a simplified method...

Methods for Specification and Verification of Hydraulic Design in a Turnkey Construction Contract
The project site is at the Hannibal Locks and Dam at New Martinsville, West Virginia. The existing project, a Corps of Engineers' (Corps) facility built in the 60's...

Red River Pilot Channel Design and Development
This paper presents the design parameters for two pilot channels constructed on the Red River. The factors often associated with the development of pilot channels are identified in an...

Hydraulic Investigation of the Cache River Basin
To develop a comprehensive solution to the problems that exist in the basin, the Illinois State Water Survey has initiated a hydraulic study. This ongoing research includes collection...

Measurements of Near-Survface Current in Inlets and Bays with Synthetic Aperture Radar
Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR, provides images of land and ocean surfaces irrespective of solar illumination, and practically under all weather conditions. Developed originally for land...

Roughness Coefficients of Large Floods
Most hydraulic calculations of flow in channels and overbank areas require an evaluation of flow resistance generally expressed as Manning's roughness coefficient, n. Literature...

Diversion Structure for Peak Flow Reduction
The flood control requirements of a planned development in the City of Orange, California were such that the peak discharges ranging from an annual flood up to 25-year return period be...

The Use of Spread Sheets in Water Resources Planning
With the advent of 'spread sheets' in the microcomputer explosion, a tool is available for the first time to greatly simplify many engineering procedures. This...

Hydrologic Design Criteria for Dams with Equal Reliability
Appropriateness of design criteria which require using the same Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) throughout Kansas for sizing dams and emergency spillways was examined. AMC values which...

Effective Precipitation in Irrigation Design and Management
Effective precipitation is important in irrigation system design and operation. Numerous methods for estimating effective precipitation have been proposed in the past, including direct...

Crop-Water Production Functions and System Design
A Task Committee to evaluate application of crop-water production functions to irrigation system design and management was established by the ASCE Irrigation Water Requirements Committee...

Infiltration as a Dependent Variable in Modeling Furrow Irrigation
Most surface irrigation models assume that infiltration is independent of surface flow hydraulics. However, wetted perimeter has been shown to significantly affect infiltration in furrows....





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