The Tunnel That Transformed Philadelphia
The 1985 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement is the Center City Commuter Rail Connection, a 1.7 mile tunnel connecting two former stub-end railroad stations in Philadelphia. The...

Tapping Deep Water Resources
Lena is the first commercial guyed tower. Its jacket is the longest ever fabricated, loaded out and launched in one piece. Lena stands in 1,000 ft deep water and has a three-level oil...

Longitudinal Prestressed Piping for District Heating
The design of recently installed hot water district heating systems in the United States is based on similar systems developed in Europe. Longitudinal prestressing is used in the design...

Comparing Flood Stage-Discharge Data?Be Careful!
A long term stage-discharge record is extremely valuable data. However, simplified applications of long term records to draw sweeping conclusions about man's effects should be avoided,...

Microprocessor-Based Data Acquisition Systems
The application of microprocessor-based data acquisition systems to laboratory experiments and field tests is discussed. The importance of the system design and hardware selection is emphasized....

Changing Attitudes Towards Elevated Structures
This paper examines the reaction of professionals and politicians to specific examples of proposals for new public transport systems that entail elevated structures in central areas. When...

The Planning of an Automated Rapid Transit System in Vancouver
BC Transit is building a 13 mile (22 km) rapid transit line in Vancouver that incorporates Heavy Rapid Transit, Light Rapid Transit and Automated People Mover concepts. The bus sized lightweight...

Emerging Technology?A Solution to Airport Access Problems
This paper reviews airports which presently have employed people movers, the problems they are solving, and potential use for solving access problems and create added value for the investment...

Station Design Approach to Peoplemover System
This paper examines some of the real issues that face the planners and designers of tomorrow's urban people movers. Concerns such as the urban context of the Miami METROMOVER,...

Safety Aspects of Detroit DPM Station Designs
The Detroit Downtown People Mover (DDPM), currently under construction in the Central Business District of downtown Detroit, offered a unique set of challenges to the architects and engineers...

Downtown People Mover System Security: Detroit and Miami Responses
The Detroit and Miami downtown people mover (DPM) systems will be in uncontrolled environments in major urban central business districts. Both plan not to have personnel on vehicles or...

Human Interface Design of an APM Control Center
The control center of an Automated People Mover (APM) system is a man-machine system. Both software and hardware aspects of the design of the monitor room that directly affect ease of...

The WMATA Resident Engineer?The Team He Leads and His Responsibilities
This paper discusses the role of the Resident Engineer as a key member of any construction team. It uses the organization and functions as practiced at the Washington Metropolitan Area...

The Resident Engineer?A Member of the Construction Team
The paper discusses the prime concern of a resident engineer, namely, seeing to it that the structure built is in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the work is carried...

The Resident Engineer as Construction Team Member
The success of a construction project is affected by the actions of the resident engineer (RE). Good REs don't come off the street; they are developed through training and...

The Role of the V.A. Resident Engineer
The Resident Engineer plays a vital part on the Veterans Administration construction team. He serves as a hub for communications between the various members of the team as well as the...

The Resident Engineer?Staffing the Team
One of the initial actions a Resident Engineer (RE) must grapple with each time he begins a new construction project is how to staff his construction team. The balancing of the type and...

Construction Scheduling for Public Sector Projects
The paper presents some types of scheduling systems that are utilized in Postal Service projects as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. It is suggested that schedule approval...

Insulative Lightweight Concrete for Building Walls
Research is currently being conducted to develop a portland cement concrete for use in low-rise building walls that will combine the structural, thermal insulating, and heat storage capacity...

Specification Deficiencies?Contract Disputes
The costs of rework, replacement, duplication, delays, and related administration are major factors in disputes. The major reasons for specification-caused disputes are discussed. A three...





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